
Friday 29 May 2020

Weekly Wrap Up 5/29/20-- Pandemic Life

We finally got back the graduation pictures for Firedrake.  So I am now able to send off her graduation announcements.  We also got some good news that she will be having a socially distancing graduation ceremony on June 6th.  Our homeschooling co-op was able to secure a location where the kids (there are only 30) will be on a stage but the audience will be watching from their cars.  I have no idea how this will look but we have got to go with the flow right now.

Here are some of her graduation pictures.

got to have one with a mask to remind us of this crazy period

This is the one we chose to put in her graduation announcements

 I have been working on some new stain glass projects. I have three going at the minute.  I am trying something new.  Making a Lateran using agates.  I am hoping it turns out as good in real life as it does in my head.
I have four different size agates and there will be one agate per side. 

 My husband and I finally broke down and bought some face masks.  We have been using dust masks but they are starting to get worn out so it was time to upgrade. 
Someone on facebook told me I picked a stain glass looking mask.  It kind of does, lol
 Every week the kids choose a dessert they wish to make.  This week MarioFan wanted to make chocolate chip cookies in a coffee cup.  He had seen this on a video.  so we gave it a try.  They turned out pretty good.  Loads of recipes on the web. 

We topped our cookies with a little ice cream, yum yum

The cookie wasn't golden brown like it is when baked in the oven but they tasted the exact same.  
That is our week.  Nothing very exciting going on.  Firedrake has 2 weeks off before beginning her college summer class online.  MarioFan is still working on his school and quickly wrapping up his year.  We are getting there slow and steady.

Stay safe and wear a mask!:)

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