
Friday 13 December 2019

Weekly Wrap UP 12/13/19 -- School update 10th and 12th grade

We are plugging away with our 10th grade curriculum.  We are slowing getting through our work.

For Literature we just finished reading "The Narrative of Frederick Douglas"

Which is good timing as we are also talking about slavery in our History lessons. 
Our writing assignment for this unit is how to write persuasive essays.  MarioFan has chosen to write his on the benefits of video games;), seeing as we have many discussions on his time on these games, I look forward to seeing what arguments he comes up with:)

For History we are discussing the War of 1812 in addition to slavery and Native Indians and how these groups were mistreated.
I found this book online (an old library book) and we are reading it in conjunction with our history reading as it goes more in-depth.

MarioFan is also reading 12 years a slave.  I am not sure if I will show him the movie as he is a bit sensitive to violence.  I am thinking of taking him to the new Harriet Tubman movie.  I am looking at the reviews to see how accurate it is to history.

IN addition we have checked out this video from the library.

this is an excellent series and I highly recommend it
Image result for we shall remain trail of tears
We have just begun watching this video series on the Native American perpective
MarioFan has just started reading Moby Dick for literature and we hope to have it finished by Christmas.
Image result for moby dick book signet
Over Christmas break we will watch the Patrick Stewart movie version 

This weekend the kids have their winter Piano recital which I will post soon.  They are also working on learning a Sonatina and plan on participating in a Sonatina Festival in January.

Firedrake is wrapping up her 1st semester at community college and is really enjoying the freedom of college.  She is only taking two classes there this semester and is signing up for 2 more next semester.  She feels pretty confident that she is keeping up with her grades.  She is also holding down a part time job and taking piano and Japanese lesson.  We just recently put down deposits for dorm living at two different colleges, as we are waiting to see if she will receive any additional scholarships before deciding which one she will attend.  She does have a favorite but we need to see financially how it will work out.  I can't believe she will be living away from home next year.  It will be a strange transition for us all.

Firedrake and I also attended the first Graduation meeting at our local coop and the date for the graduation ceremony has been set for June.  So far there will be 24 HS graduates attending.  I need to get senior pictures, order cap and gown, diploma and so many other things.  It will be a busy spring:)

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