
Friday 22 November 2019

Weekly wrap UP 11/22/19-- STOMP and symphony performance

MarioFan and a friend are doing Music theory/history this year for their elective.  We have been completing the video series "Understanding the Fundamentals of   Music" from Great Courses.  We are just about finished with this video series.  I wanted the two boys to attend some different kinds of musical performances throughout the year and write a few reviews on the performance and use some of the many musical terms we have been learning about.

We  signed up for 3 coffee hours at the symphony again geared for schools and attended our first one this week.

we got there early and they were giving away free doughnuts.  We missed  the talk due to having difficulty finding parking

They played three pieces and we all had a favorite.
Venit Illuminatio by composer Aaron Jay Kearna 1960, which means toward the illumination of colored light.  This composer reports to have synesthesia which means colors that he sees has a particular sound.  MarioFan loved this piece.  The second piece we heard was Violin Concerto by Bela Bartok 1939.  It is considered one of the hardest violin pieces. His friend loved this piece.   Lastly we heard Symphony No $ by Johannes Brahms 1885.  This was my personal favorite:)

Luckily we live near a city that have multiple performances and they often hold events for family at slightly less cost.  STOMP is in town and they offered one adult ticket for a free child.  Since we are also doing some bucket drumming for our music class.  I thought this would be a fun show to witness.
First we went out to dinner before the show.  You have to get there early in order to find parking!

We had pretty good seats for the show.  This show was had no talking or music in the traditional sense.  It is based purely on making music with every day objects.  However there was lots of humor infused in the show and the kids really loved it!  MarioFan said he would go again if he could!

This is one of my favorite theaters in our area.  They were already decorating for the holiday season.

stage set up! 
We saw both of the shows on the same day (yep I drove into the city twice in one day!).  Both boys want to write about the STOMP show.  As they thought it was much more interesting then the symphony.   That is just fine because I have a few more classical music experiences that they will be attending this year and next:).

Next week is Thanksgiving and my Mother is flying in so there will be no post as I will be taking the week of of school and just having some quiet family time.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving festivities.

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