
Friday 30 August 2019

Weekly Wrap UP 8/30/19--Date night, cat surgery and the Flying Spider gym

My husband has been learning to play the guitar for over a year and is getting pretty good.  He practices nearly every night and loves to watch guitar players online to try to learn new songs and techniques that he can incorporate into his practice.
I love this pic of the dog adoringly looking at my husband playing his guitar:)
We had a date night and attended Gary Clark Jr concert.
I didn't know a lot of the songs but the guitar playing was amazing!  :)

We adopted an older cat, named Elvis last year.  At his yearly appt and the vet discovered he needed to have 6 teeth removed including his two top canines.  We have been a bit worried about him as he is not gaining weight although he does eat quite a bit.  Per the Vet's recommendation we are changing up his food and hoping to see an improvement in weight gain or we will need to do more blood work to see if there is something else going on.  Firedrake is quite worried as this is her cat and she is very anxious that something more serious is going on.

He come home quite disoriented and struggled to get around.  He hid in his cat tree for a couple of days

seems too be coming out of it and slowly coming around to see the family again.  Hopefully with the new food options he will put on a little weight. 

This week I got some Groupon tickets to the Flying Spider gym which has been on MarioFan list to go to for quite awhile.  So as a way of celebrating the Official start of the new school year we went with a friend.  It is a pretty cool gym and the boys loved it!

MarioFan loves watching Ninja Warriors and Parkour videos and this gym caters to that crowd

of course we always have go over the rules and since Public school  kids are back in school we practically had the place to ourselves that morning

It was harder than it looks on videos:)

then when you are totally exhausted you built a wall with the sponge brick, just because LOL ;). 
Next week coop begins and we are officially back to a full school schedule, in addition to all extra curricular activities have begun.  :)

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