
Friday 2 August 2019

Weekly Wrap Up. 8/2/19-- Summer goals accomplished!!

Firedrake has accomplished all the goals I had set for her to do this summer in a single week.  She has passed her driver's test and is now a able to drive on her own, got her first choice for a job working 15-20 a week and lastly she is officially enrolled in community college for her senior year. Whew it has been a busy week!
New legal driver on the road

She enjoyed ripping off the permit driver tag on her car

It is a funny feeling watching your kid get into the car by herself for the first time and drive off to work, sniff sniff:)

I haven't gotten a picture at her actual job and have been forbidden to do so, sigh, she doesn't want the employees to think she has a weird MOM.  We haven't even been allowed to visit the location she is working at yet.  I am hoping she relaxes that rule soon :)

We just got the exciting news that Firedrake also passed the ACT test for Literature and composition so that is 3 college credits under her belt whoo hoo!!  Shed also earned 3 this summer at the creative arts academy so a total of 6 credits before she even enters 12 th grade.  So proud of her and how seriously she takes her eduction:)

MarioFan completed his cybersecurity camp and enjoyed himself but stills says he is more interested in becoming an electrician much to his fathers disappointment lol

He did see this location also offers a drone summer camp where kids get to fly large drones and compete in obstacle courses.  He wants to look into this for next year!

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