
Friday 3 May 2019

Weekly Wrap Up 5/3/19-- falling behind and then catching up

I was so proud of myself in January when I posted our mid term progress and we were on target with everything.  However with my Dad's passing we have fallen way, way behind.  I am trying to get back into the grove of things but it has been slow going.

Firedrake was given a certificate and a medal from her high school in recognition of her acceptance into the program.  We aren't even sure how they knew she applied and was accepted

Firedrake has been visiting college campuses and has narrowed down her choices.  While next year she will be attending community college for her senior year she is planning ahead for moving away, yikes!!!

Lastly for Firedrake she has been offered a internship at a news magazine for a week or two during the summer.  While we were hoping she would be able to get a summer job we think this opportunity would look good on her college resume so she is going to look for a job after the internship.   
We have had some happy news.  Firedrake was accepted into the Missouri Fine arts academy for Creative writing this summer.  She will spend two week on a college campus participating in lots of college classes for fine arts and be earning college credit.  She is very excited but also apprehensive as it will be the first time away from Mom and Dad.  To tell you the truth I am a bit nervous about it too:)
Kids were excited to see the Avengers movie-- End game opening weekend!!
we had our first day at six flags
We have been doing a bit of schooling as well... MarioFan has completed his health, grammar and vocabulary programs for the year, which is good as we have fallen behind on History, Literature, electronics and Math.  Science we are still on target with as MarioFan and his Dad were able to work on that while I was away.  There is only 2 more weeks of co-op left and then his Spanish class will be completed.  Unfortunately he will have to do some major catch up over the summer:(.

MarioFan has been working on his history timeline which we had fallen behind on

MarioFan had to assemble a new computer desk for his electronics program as the system needed to be set up downstairs 

He did a great job

Now he can continue his lessons and begin learning python programming 

Lastly I have been instructing a friend on doing a stain glass project
Her step son is getting married and she wanted to create a piece for them.  She came up with this design her self

We have been meeting every week for her to work on the project in the hopes we can get it finished in time for the wedding in June

Lastly our dog had to have surgery for a mysterious lump on her lip:(.  She was not happy about the procedure but recovered fairly quickly.  We are hoping it isn't anything too serious.

I am hoping to get back to my regular blogging schedule which is just once a week.

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