
Friday 31 May 2019

Weekly Wrap UP 5/31/19 -- To Kill a Mocking bird, and Mary Blair art project

We are on our last book for Literature: To Kill a Mockingbird.    For this book we are planning on completing an in-depth literary analysis, reviewing all the skills we have learned in the past two years .

We also reviewed 2 Crash Course Literature video before reading the book

We also intend to watch the movie once we complete the book.  This is the last book of our program and then Literature will be complete for the year.

For art we are learning about Mary Blair and her amazing artwork.  She work for Walt Disney and most famous for her work on It's a Small World ride.
Some of the books we look at while talking about this artist.  We also watched a video on you tube about Mary Blair and her work on It's a Small World at Disney.
 I normally chose 2 projects for each artist we do but this time around we took two weeks to complete one project.
Mary Blair's castle art appealed to me so I came up with a lesson plan to try to recreate it.  If someone else has done this I did not know about it and this is what I did.  (I normally give credit to any art ideas I use)
We talked alot about Mary Blairs color choices and shapes and how she put it all together.

This is my version of the art work

I had some large canvass and the boys drew their own version of a castle on it.
I gave the boys leeway on their castle design:)

MarioFan completed castle drawing.

Then they got to work painting.  I was pretty strict with the boys that there would be no sloppy work done on this piece.  I also said in order to get the crisp colors that they would need to paint several coats for each color.  The goal was to finish the castle painting but that didn't happen so the boys had some art homework in order to get ready for the following weeks assignment.
The halfway point.  

Next using sharpie markers I had the boys decorate their castles.  I gave them lots of leeway for this part:)

Then they chose the background color.  Again 2 to 3 coats of paint was needed to really get the vibrant color we were looking for
Lastly the boys used black sharpie to outline the castle and all the shapes which really makes everything pop out I think:)

Completed work
The next artist we are going to looking at is an Missouri artist named Benton.

1 comment:

  1. The artwork came out so good. I love it. I will have to look Mary Blair up. We have never studied her before.
    Blessings, Dawn
