
Friday 15 March 2019

Weekly UP date 3/15/19 -- Georgia O'keefe, The 100 years of Exploration and Taste tester

I got to do something very interesting this week.  I was contacted by a company to be a taste taster for two  new menu items.  I received a $30 gift card for my time.  Sounded interesting and since I enjoy this company's food I decided to make room in my schedule to go.  I can't really tell you what the new food items are or what company it was since I had to sign a release form.

Having never done this before it was very interesting.  I would absolutely do it again:) 
For art we finished our lesson for Georgia O'keefe with one last project.  O'keefe is famous for her flower portraits.  I had the boys find a simple coloring page of a flower they like and had them enlarge it so the flower was going off the page.

We then traced the flower on to paper (we left off the finer details )

After looking at some of Georgia O'keefe flowers and seeing how she used colors and shading to bring out the shapes and shading the boys began to paint

Boys finished projects.  

My sample to show the boys
Some might say I am cheating in our art lessons by having the boys trace their work but since neither boy enjoys drawing (mine in particular), I try to get the boys to enjoy a new technique and not obsess over their lack of drawing skills, as that is a huge issue for both boys.  This way they are more happy with the results and we can enjoy the process better!  

For history we are entering the 100 years of Exploration.  I am still getting a few books from the library as I want to delve a bit deeper into the explorer lives than the history book that we have does and even Crash Course World history skims over this more that I like.  We are currently on unit 4 of World History Crash Course.  

As we read about a explorer we are adding their route to our huge world map in the school room 

First he drew the routes 

then we added pictures of the explorers 

his finished works:)

Next week is spring break for my daughter from Public school so I will be taking the week off from blogging to enjoy some time with her and MarioFan.

1 comment:

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