
Friday 15 February 2019

Weekly Wrap UP 2/15/19-- Piano performance, 42Electronics, and other stuff

Last week the kids participated in a local Sonatina Piano festival at East Central Community College.  Both kids did very well in there categories scoring Superior solo performances.
Getting ready for their performances

Me and their piano teacher hovering by the door to listen to them play

Both did very well 

Afterward they held a piano performance of the top players and I was blown away by the young ages of some of these kids and their amazing skills:)
The kids getting their trophies for their performances.  While they were not chosen to do a performance they still earned the highest award in their category

I am hoping the kids will let me record their piano performance at home so maybe I will be able to post it one day, I know my parents what to hear and see them play.  
 Our new Electronics/programming program has arrived and we have started delving into it.  Right now it is mostly review for Firedrake but we should be into the new learning shortly.

the program comes with all the electrical components and a PDF of the student and teacher guide.

So far for the first 2 lessons (which is review for him) he is able to follow the directions independently which is what the program authors say should be the case.  let's hope that continues once the program delves deeper and further into new areas.:)

Completing a simple circuit. 
Right now the program is simple but there are four levels, I bought the first two and by lesson 8 I think it will be more difficult for MarioFan and he will beginning learning the python coding program which is new to him.  I will post about it every once in a while and let you know how it is working out.  

Firedrake is continuing her driving and I have gotten into the car a few times with her but her Dad is doing most of the driving teaching.  However I was there and caught her learning one new skill;) and just had to take a few pictures, much to her dismay:)

I am seeing this face a lot lately lol:)
The weather has been very severe in our areas recently that we have missed two coop days due to snow closure.  Since Firedrake has had 2 snow days off from school, so has MarioFan which means we are a bit behind.  Hopefully next week we can get back on track with school work:)

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