
Friday 7 December 2018

Weekly Wrap UP 12/7/18 -- Van Gogh and Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol for Literature

We had a snow day for coop this week but by the next day the roads were clear so we decide to get together with our friends and do a make up day for Literature and Art so we wouldn't fall to far behind.  The boys had scheduled a sleep over that night so they were not happy with the Mom's decisions but such is the hard life they have:)

Some of the books we look at while discussing Charles Dickens life.  

I love this picture because it shows you that not all our gatherings go smoothly and this pictures captures the boys's mood perfectly for this day!!!!

Next we worked on our Van Gogh lessons (which are done over a 2 week period).

Some of the books we look at

Mom lecture notes-- we always do a little history of the artist 

Boys reviewing some of Vincent Van Gogh art work 

The first project was to recreate the painting "Wheat field with Crows". I found a free lesson on line giving step by step directions.

Next the boys gave it a try

Their final work
 The next projected was more ambitious.  I have this book on my book shelf and it gives step by step directions on recreating art .  It just happens to have several pieces by Vincent Van Gogh.  I also told the boys this piece had to be Christmas present good.  So the boys needed slow down and really really work on making a great piece.

I copied the basic pattern of the sunflowers onto a 8-10 canvas board  (which is step one for this books on recreating the art)

I did allow the boys to change the color of the table and background to make it individual but emphasized that it must be their best work

Finish project.  It is amazing how good they can do when they want too!  Now we just need to frame them and they will be given as presents to the grand parents for Christmas:)
This was my sample...I was pretty pleased with it considering I am not an artist:)


  1. I love your step by step lessons. They make it all so much more bite size.
    Blessings, Dawn

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