
Friday 5 October 2018

Weekly Wrap Up 10/5/18-- Glass Garden stake, Health Class and Treasure Island

This week my husband and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary!  We have a quick weekend get away planned soon which I will post about after we actually take it.  As for the actual day of the anniversary we will be attending Parent Teacher conference at the high school;)

I really need to get a better picture of the two of us:)
I have been working in my stain glass shop on a few projects and just finished my Glass garden stake.  It is a gift for my Mother:). She already knows about it so I can post it here.
I have another frame so I can build another one for myself.  The frame comes from Lowe's and I just silicone the glass to the frame.  

I am working on another project but my glasses broke:(. So I need to get another pair before I can continue

Luna occasionally comes into the studio but she really doesn't like all the noises of the glass breaking and the grinder so she rarely stays for long.  Catching her in the little bed I got her is very rare:)
MarioFan is working on his health credit this year for high school.  While we are using a book (see curriculum post) our local secular co-op group put together a Health course for six weeks taught by Plan Parenthood.  I didn't know they did classes for the community so we decided to investigate.  There was a parent meet up scheduled before the class to go over the topics and make sure there were no parental concerns.

Topic for each of the six weeks-- Parents were given all the video links and information regarding the discussion of the classes ahead of time to review and note any concerns and discuss with the instructor.  Honestly I didn't have any issues with the topics and the only thing mentioned was not to discuss the topic of abortion by a few parents.  So that topic will be off the table for this class.

Healthy Relationships
Anatomy and Physiology
Puberty and Hygiene
Sexual Responsibility
Contraceptive Methods
Consent and sexual assault

Parents were encouraged NOT to attend classes allowing more honest discussion from the kids.  So a few of the Moms sat around in another room chatting and having a drink of coffee or tea:).

So for the next 6 weeks MarioFan will be attending this class and put his health book work aside on this topic.  After attending the parent meeting I feel confident that the instructor of this class will heed the suggestions of the parents and no controversial issues will be discussed.  I am expecting MarioFan to discuss some of the topics to his comfort level with me or his father and then we will resume the book work by the end of October, for the rest of the year!

For our literature class we have wrapped up reading Treasure island and the boys watched the movie. With our Literature program we have been working on understanding Tone, mood, bias, perspective, fact and opinion in writing.  With the current mood of the world we have had lots of real life examples to pull from and discuss!!

We have done several activities to reinforce the terms and understand how an author uses them in their writings.  

Next we will be working on a short poetry unit!


  1. Happy anniversary! I hope he really enjoys the health class.

  2. Happy Anniversary!! I love the stained glass project - hope you can resume work on your projects soon. Hope the class continues to work out.

  3. beautiful art project , sounds like you all have been quite busy. The health class sounds awesome, good for him. Happy anniversary
    find a little extra time come over say hi
