
Friday 21 September 2018

Weekly Wrap Up 9/21/18 -- Japanese history and literature activites

1st day of Coop has begun!  We are now officially on a full schedule for MarioFan! (actually we have been for a couple of weeks but I am behind on blogging)

The Months of August and September MarioFan and I have been working through Ancient Japan history.  Next month we start the Crash course world History program that I listed on our curriculum page.   I felt like this was an topic in middle school we did not cover so I wanted to do a unit study before doing the high school crash course.
Some of the books we will be reading for this unit
I really enjoyed this book which includes some art work and a synopsis of each of the 54 chapter of the book along with some historical back ground on the writer.  
This story is considered the first novel written by a female and is still consider one of the best Japanese books that give a rare insight into the Heian dynasty

It is hard to find but if you can I highly recommend it although parents look through it first as there are a few chapters with adult themes.:)

For Literature we are using Lightening Lit and have completed 2 short stories.  A Crazy Tale by G.K. Chesterton and How Much Land Does a Man Need by L. Tolstoy.  The lesson in the teacher guide lesson was why write fiction vs. non fiction and  on note taking, citation and plagiarism.  In addition to understanding the meaning of the stories listed.  This is to get the boys ready to do a research paper later in the semester.  Throughout the year I will be posting the books the boys will be reading and some of the activities we are doing with this curriculum.

Discussing the purpose of writing either fiction or non fiction was discussed
We did some work book pages together
I snuck up on my Husband while he was teaching Biology to MarioFan on day.  They are doing well together!
I got to listen in while working on my blog.
Our crazy week in a nutshell.  I am running at full tilt now getting everyone to classes, schooling at home,  extra evening activities, and trying to fit in field trips.  It is going to get very busy around here!

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