
Friday 27 July 2018

weekly wrap up 7/20/18 School and volunteering

I have been working on lesson planning this week while the kids work on a few school activities.  Since I will have one child in Public school in September, I only need to lesson plan for one child this year!  I have been working on lesson planning for our art and literature as we do these with another family.  I am also ordering and finishing up planning for our topics for 9th grade and should be ready to post about them soon:)!

FireDrake is taking AP Literature at Public school in Sept and she has been given summer reading to complete.  So far she has read the books "A Brave New World", "A Day in the Life of Ivan Deniovich".  Her next book to read is "Crime and Punishment".  In addition to doing the required reading she is responsible for writing two papers on each book each with different criteria and turning them in to her teacher over the summer.  FireDrake is also working on finishing up her World History and Astronomy lessons.

MarioFan has completed his pre algebra TT book and has now begun Algebra TT.  He has also finished his grammar book from last year!  We are still working on our World History textbook and will be throughout the summer.   For Science we have been working on some electronic kits that he received for Christmas.  MarioFan keeps saying he wishes to be an electrician so I am trying to find activities he can do to improve on those skills.

this Speaker project is from Kiwi crate ages 14 and older 

directions were clear and easy to follow

took us two days to assemble but that was only because we had plans on the first day and couldn't  finish it 

It worked!  MarioFan was disappointed that the sound wasn't louder !
We have two more projects to work on by this company this summer, a flash light and a laser project!  MarioFan is looking forward to completely them!

The kids and I have begun volunteering once a week at a local animal shelter.  I require the kids to have some volunteer hours in order to graduate from our home school.  Last summer Firedrake worked at the Wild Bird sanctuary.  This year she wanted to work with dogs and cats.  Firedrake will also return to be a camp counselor in August for a group called "Buddies not bullies".  She enjoyed being a counselor last year at this camp.

This will be the first time MarioFan has done any volunteer work.  Since MarioFan is under 16 he needs a parent to work with him, hence I am volunteering too:) at the animal shelter.  There will be certain activities he can not do as he is underage (such as walking the dogs) and the facilities insurance forbids it.  I still think it will be a good experience for him.

the kids spent some time in the kitty room playing with the babies kittens

next we went next door to socialize some of the older cats that are looking for new homes.

This shelter is a no kill shelter so they strive to socialize all the cats and dogs so that they can be rehomed permanently.  Any animal found to be ill or unable to be rehomed will live out its life at the shelter.  It was so hard not to come home with a cat!  My husband is very allergic to cats so I had to keep reminding the kids that taking one home was not an option!!!

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