
Friday 1 December 2017

Weekly Wrap UP 12/01/17 Family visiting

For Christmas I made my parents 2 glass panels. They visited this past week for Thanksgiving so I was able to give them their presents early.  I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of them with the pieces:(.  They were happy with them and will send me pictures of the pieces hanging up in their home.
I made my Dad a glass panel with the Navy symbol in the middle.

My Mother is Scottish and this kilt is sort of like the clan plaid. 
I was able to find someone who could fuse glass to make the kilt and socks.  I was so thrilled with the results that I now want to do one with a red kilt plaid for myself.   Now I need to find another project to make:)

Last week we had a week off school and just did things with my parents visiting

MarioFan learned how to bake Nana's sweet potato pie which is he favorite for the holidays

He did an amazing job

Firedrake learned to bake Nana's apple pie, which is my Husband absolute favorite and he request my MoM make it every time she comes to visit.  I have yet to master this pie on my own.  

Here's hoping Firedrake has better luck recreating this delicious pie in the future for her Dad.
My Mother made our table center piece.  Didn't she do a great job!

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving meal and had a peaceful day at home.
 The next day was beautiful and we enjoyed leftovers outside as a picnic.  None of us are black Friday shoppers preferring to remain at home and enjoy each other's company

My Mother showed me a new painting style she has been learning.  I get my craftiness from my mother.  If she lived closer we would be taking classes together all the time.

You can find lots of you tube examples to learn about this art.  It is very modern:) but we had fun

We did our annual trip to the Botanical gardens to see the Christmas lights, this year my parents joined us.

again the weather was so nice that Firedrake, my husband and I all refused to wear a jacket that evening.

Getting ready for the Christmas spirit.
 My Parents had to return home this past weekend so we started working on getting the inside and outside of the house decorated for Christmas.  The weather this past week has been unbelievable and we have enjoyed the 60-70 degree weather!

I still have a few things to put out but we got a good start and now I can listen to Christmas music which I love.

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