
Friday 6 October 2017

Weekly wrap up 10/6/17--Anniversary, baseball and school

My husband and I celebrated 18 years of wedded bliss this week:)  We celebrated with the kids and treated them to a breakfast buffet at our favorite seafood restaurant and then on the actual night the two of us had dinner in town at a Italian restaurant.

I just realized I don't have a recent picture of just the two of us, so this one from a few years ago will have to do

Happy Anniversary to my Wonderful Sweet Husband.  Love ya babe

Over the summer my daughter won free tickets to a baseball game.  She is not a huge fan of baseball so she handed them over to her brother.  My husband and son finally went to see a game together
huge Cardinal fans in this house

The tickets were free so can't complain to much about the nose bleed seats.  :)  MarioFan spotted a sign at the ballpark stating that if the Cards have nine hits at tonights game then Krispy Kreme is selling a dozen doughnuts at 1/2 price.

There were several rain delays at the game but MarioFan insisted on staying until he was sure there were 9 hits and then wanted to leave.  The next day he pestered me until I bought the doughnuts;)  

We also did some school this week:)

In our literature work we are reading Tom Sawyer and learning about Mark Twain.  we watch the first two sections of this DVD as an introduction.

Our artist this week is Marc Chagall

My son and his friend working on their art project and looking at a Russian calendar to learn more about the artists country of origin

project was to recapture the colorful Russia architecture but in a surreal way:)
IN science MarioFan is learning about starches and lipids and did an experiment  

looking how lipids and starches dry or don't on brown paper

using iodine to record which food reacts and why

Recording our results -- please excuse the kitchen mess;)
Firedrake is settling down really well in school and it helps that she is doing great grade wise in her two classes.  She tells me school is easier than homeschool;).  I am very surprised that she doesn't have more homework.  Her algebra class gives the kids 20 to 25 minutes each class to complete homework, which she is doing meaning she has no work to do at home.  Her psychology class has given no homework so far and Firedrake says her instructor doesn't believe in giving homework, which makes me wonder if there is no semester project due for this class.  It is very weird to be one foot in Public school and one foot in home education for me.  

Firedrake just completed reading the book All Things Fall Apart by China Achebe a famous African author.  This is an excellent book explaining African Ibo culture and how British imperialism (and religion) change their culture.
Right now she is working on a writing assignment and a history project to further explore the African continent.  I am combining to some degree our literature and history.
For history she is continuing to read Guns, Germs and steel and watching Jared Diamond documentary on his book.  Currently is is working on a project that I hope to have pictures of next week:)  We are taking our time reading and discussing this book making sure we get the most out of it.  

That is our crazy busy week in a nutshell!


  1. Things Fall Apart is on my to-read list next year. I read it in high school but I have no recollection of it. I'm not sure I even understood it when I read it originally.

    Happy anniversary!

    Visiting from the Weekly Wrap-Up. :)

  2. I remember Things Fall Apart. It is a powerful read.

    I think school is easier than homeschool, too. :)
