
Friday 1 September 2017

Weekly Wrap up 9/1/17 Full time school resumes!

While my daughter has already begun attending classes at the Public School we decided to give her a few weeks to get settled before we add the work that needs to be done at home. Firedrake is not all that impressed with PS at the moment but we are hoping she settles down soon.  I must say this school has been absolutely wonderful in helping her adjust, so far I am very impressed with the guidance counselor and the teachers, even if Firedrake isn't impressed.

MarioFan is slowly ramping up his school work as we get ready for the first day of Coop next week.  We will only be taking one class there this term, Spanish (with a new teacher).  But we will be doing art and Literature with a friend while there waiting for class to begin.  So we will be there for a full day.

We just finished up another Physic box from Spectra.  I found two more boxes in the closet so we will be continuing to work on these:)  MarioFan loves the experiments and the comic book that goes with them.

This box was all about light

First experiment was all about light refraction using different types of liquid solutions.
We add various sizes of gel shapes and they were almost invisible in each liquid

Until you started to switch the gel shapes into different solutions.
Second experiment was to see how light bends in each gel after  being in different solutions for 24 hours.  

We got some dramatic bendy light rays
Third experiment was to us the gel shapes and reflect a shape onto white paper.  We held up the  letter A and the shape turned upside down when refracted though the gel onto the paper.

Next we looked at the sun's heat and how different metals might absorb the heat.  We use a copper wire, steel wire and aluminum wire 

using a magnifying glass we directed the sun's rays on to the wires for 5 minutes

Then examine which wire moved thought he chocolate bar.  Copper wire by far was the winner, followed by aluminum then steel.

Lastly we looked at which colors glow in the dark

writing his name in the dark using light.

We are having a lot of fun with these simple boxes.  I highly recommend them:)  We are now moving on to our new topic Cells and genetics.

I am still getting use to having only one child in the house from 1 to 3, in addition to trying to juggle after school activities.  My schedule is very hectic at the minute, and the full schedule doesn't start for another week!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. We will be at full schedule next week and I am a bit apprehensive.
    Blessings, Dawn
