
Friday 7 July 2017

weekly wrap up -- 7/7/17 summer fun and some school

We take a much lighter approach to our summer schedule around here and the kids have already finished up a few of the things I had planned for us to do!  So we are all enjoying more free time!

Firedrake tried a new recipe this week...Chicken Corden Blue.  I try to get her to prepare a meal at least once a week.  We don't always succeed due to busy schedules but I encourage her to look up recipes in my cookbooks and give them a go.  She likes to pick things I have never made before and so far she has always chosen well!!!
First time hammering the meat

adding the fillers, I forgot to take a picture of it but it turned out yummy, I hope she wants to make it again! 
MarioFan and I have been working on the new physic box that just came in the mail.  I still have last years box on the shelf that we never got around too, so we will be doing that one as well this summer.
If you haven't heard of these look them up as they are free for homeschooling families.  We get one every summer to complete and they are easy to do and fun.

Comes with a comic book on a topic and most of the supplies are in the box.  This year I only needed to supply a plastic cup, and an cell phone otherwise all the supplies were in the box!

We are looking at sound and vibrations and we use Dad's guitar to illustrate pitch and vibration

The box had direction on making straw trombones but I couldn't get it to work so I found a video on line with different instructions and we had success

I warn you, confiscate these right after the experiment if you want to keep your sanity later;)

This box came with four different experiments emphasizing sounds, vibration, pitch and frequency.

You see my hands here as MarioFan has taken to biting his fingernails and couldn't get the sound to work:)  But he did the experiment with me LOL

One of the experiments was to show how you can see vibrations and sound waves  using a laser light.

using an app we could make the laser dance on the wall depending on the volume and pitch of the sound.  

I have had more time in my stain glass studio and finished another glass piece for my husband.

My husband is a huge Washington Capitals Hockey fan so he wanted this for his office

I had to use a marker to do the eye but everything else is glass

He is very happy with it and it is going to be both his father's day present (late) and early birthday present:)

Next I found some bevels I have been saving and decided to work on a new lead panel piece for the house

This didn't come with a pattern so I had to design my own.  I am not as skilled with this process but  I like what I came up with

Added in all the glass lines  and then got started cutting glass

I just need to begin the lead process and it will be complete. I decided to use only one color glass which I think emphasizes the bevels :)

 I promised the kids that we would go to six flags at least once a week if they are cooperative with their school work.  We have season passes and live close by.

There is a new ride this year and it isn't too bad, even I can ride it:)

Every once in a while I can talk the kids into riding the large Ferris wheel:) which is more my speed of ride these days
My husband is going to take off one day in July and August and spend the day with us at the hurricane harbor water park:) I just love floating in the lazy river holding his hand;)

That is what is going on in our home at the moment.  Next week the kids and I are going to a mini family reunion.  Hubs has to stay home and work:(

Hope you are enjoying your summer break!!!


  1. Great week and filled with wonderful summer learning.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. WOW! You are so talented!! We have been lazy this last few weeks about our Cedar Point season passes. The kids volunteer shifts are taking over our schedule..ugh! You look like you are having a great summer!
