
Friday 23 June 2017

weekly wrap up 6/23/17-- School room clean up and Summer schedule

Our Official school year is over!!  We have moved on to our much lighter school schedule.  However I have to first clean up the school room because it is a huge mess from all the activities over the last several months and being so busy no one, including me put things back where they belong as a result the clutter was overwhelming.  I decided to tackle one part of the school room each day in order to make it more manageable for me
the kids school desk-- before picture
After picture.  I even got a new table cloth:)

This appears to be everyone's dumping ground. Before picture 
I think I threw three large trash bags of junk away---The after picture.  I still have to tackle the book case

My desk is a mess:)
After picture

Kids computer desks- for some reason only took a picture from one angle but trust me both computer desks were a mess

After picture

What I have discover from this little chore is my kids hate that I threw away old school projects!  I have to sneak some into the trash bags while they weren't looking or they magically reappeared.  My next job is to tackle the book shelves and try to thin out the books we are no longer using.

 Our summer schedule is always a bit slower and this year especially we are going to take it easy.  Since our local coop has splintered and we are at a loss for high school classes for our oldest we have made the decision to try flexie schooling at the Public highschool next fall.  This was an incredibly hard decision and Firedrake is not at all excited at the prospect of returning to school:(  I am hoping that only attending half days will make the transition a little easier for her.  Since she is only going part time she will still graduate as a homeschooler and will not be eligible for a diploma through our school district.

This summer for Firedrake 9th grade we are doing

private tutoring lessons for Japanese
attending Mathnasuim tutoring for Math -- The one area where we seem to still be struggling:(
PE we are all trying the program couch to 5K program--we all need to get better in shape
Biology we are completed the last book in the EO Wilson series
Finishing up US History (we are up to the Ford and Carter years)

MarioFan 7th grade
computer coding online class
completing IEW level A continuation class (almost done)
complete 2 LOF pre algebra books
PE couch to 5K program
US History (only class he does with his sister)
completing geography workbook (almost done)

We even got my husband to join us one day.  The dog loves these walk/runs:)

Kids are really spending less than 4 hours a day on school and have the rest of the day to concentrate on things they wish to do.  Firedrake usually writes or draws while MarioFan prefers to play on his electronics.  I plan on purging the book cases in the school room, and work on my stain glass:)!


  1. Wow-- doesn't it feel amazing to get the schoolroom all cleaned up? Nice job!

  2. Don't you love when you get to declutter and clean up your space. It looks nice!
