
Friday 19 May 2017

Weekly wrap up 5/19/17

We are quickly wrapping up our school year.  I have already surpassed the required hours needed by the state.  For the first year (in the 9 years we have been homeschooling) we have actually finished many of our school books, YAY!

The boys have finished reading the book Westing Game for our book club and this week they played Chess which had a minor part in the book.  They also show cased the game they created which we played.  :)

The boys played Mario Chess

The boys have been working on creating their own mystery game which they had the MOMs play

The rules were very complicated for the Moms to  follow but we did our very best but somehow the boys still won;)

Firedrake practicing her Japanese by playing a memory game with me one day

She is really enjoying learning Japanese and I must say she is retaining  it so much better than her Spanish lessons which we as a family agree she can drop next year

Coop had their annual art show and I am always so impressed with the art that the kids submitted.  Here are just a few samplings

This one won best of the show and was done by an 11th grader

Firedrake was a little disappointed that her art did not win a ribbon but she was up against some very stiff competition and graphic art is not quite respected as an art by the judges:)

While walking the dog the kids found a snake in the garden.

Coop has ended but I will post our last 2 weeks at coop next week:)  As I am somehow behind on our posts.  We are busy working on our summer plans I will post them soon 


  1. My son is taking Japanese in college after taking it in our homeschool. What a cute snake! The artwork is amazing!

  2. The artwork has me and a few kids huddled near me saying, "Wow!" Too bad the judges don't understand graphic art. :(
