
Friday 10 March 2017

weekly wrap up 3/10/17

I decided to do something completely out of character for me.  I dyed my hair midnight blue!  Every time I look in the mirror I do a double take, so not sure I like it, but I felt like doing something risky:) Maybe I am going though a mid life crisis but if this is the worst I do then I am good I think:)
The blue is very hard to see here but if the light hits the hair just right you can see blue highlights. The color is practically black.   LOL  My husband likes it or so he says.  

Firedrake was inspired to get just a tiny strip of her hair done.   She loves it but she wasn't so sure at first:)
Now she is asking if she can do it again but with a brighter color and more of it!  I may regret what I have created lol.  But it is hair so it grows out, right, at least that is what I tell myself!

Reaction at our conservative coop has been mixed, some people love it and other people don't even mention it.   Next time I may try something even more riskier I am embracing my inner rebel!

Our family went to visit family in Tennessee and stop by Lambert's restaurant.   My kids love this place mainly because they throw bread rolls at you:)

My husband's cousin is from Hungary (he has been in America for over 60 years) taught me how to make Hungarian beef Porkolt which is like goulash

It was excellent and I hope to recreate this dish at home next week!  This relative taught me how to make Chicken Paprikash years ago and it is one of my Husband favorite meals!  When ever I make Chicken Paprikash at home I always think I have mastered it until we visit them and eat their version and then realize I still have a ways to go:)!

MarioFan had to interview someone for one of his classes for a public speaking assignment.

MarioFan has a project to complete for his Spanish coop class.  So we have been busy working on his assigned country.  I will reveal his country next week as were are still working on it.
Making a map and labeling it

Making a game that is play around the world but was originated in his country by the INCA's

Wearing his Andes poncho and straw hat which is what can be worn in this country.  Can you guess what country he is studying?  

Firedrake also has a Spanish project due for her coop class.  She had to write a children's story in Spanish and will be presenting the story in class next week.

Our week in a nutshell:)


  1. Hey! Did the blue mellow out yet? I need a photo update so I can see the true blue you!
    So...Mariofan is studying somewhere on the east coast of S.America. Peru? (I didn;t see any reference to Paddington Bear or marmelade though, so I have my doubts....) xx

  2. The projects look great. Sounds like a productive week overall.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Wow! To be able to write a story in Spanish! That's some serious knowledge!
