
Friday 16 December 2016

Weekly wrap up 12/16/16 Book Review and wrapping up

Coop ended this week so we had lots of things to wrap up for our classes.  Kids and I will still be working and finishing up our work at home so we can take about 10 days off school beginning the 24th:)

I was asked to do a book review back in September and we have just finished.  Took a bit longer to complete due to life getting busy.  I just finished it and it was an excellent book and the book came with an additional website to add more information to the book.

IF you are going to do a unit study on Oceana and love to include books in your home schooling, this book is an excellent addition.   This story tells the story of two young princes and the mythology of their island.  The book includes sibling rivalry, some magic and lots of adventure.  There are lots of Polynesian words interspersed throughout the book that are fun to learn.  The author also has a website that you can go to for further information.  Included are 2 study guides  that include additional information about the islands, geography, animals and history of the islands.  The author includes activities and discussion questions that require additional thinking and research.  I would put these study guides at a upper middle school level (although the author does not specify this)  There is even a mini quiz that you can use if you like!
MarioFan and I enjoyed this book and did many of the discussion questions and activities to round out our mini unit.  **I received this book free for a review--all thoughts and opinion are freely given and are based on how my family incorporated the book into our homeschool**

MarioFan and I have been working on learning about Inclines and working on making a few knee models and doing several experiments.

We compared a small incline to a larger inclined  as well as looked around the house for additional things that we use as inclines and why and how they make a difference to our lives and help make some jobs easier

We went to six Flags for their holiday park gathering on what it seemed to me as the coldest day of the year so far.   BURRRRRRR

We are beginning to work on our Christmas baking but still have lots more to do 
The kids performed their Christmas piano recitals and I will be posting them next week:)
Right now I am in the thick of Christmas preparations, wrapping presents and the kids want to do more cookie baking:).  Hope you are having a great week and not stressing out over the holiday madness!

1 comment:

  1. Always love your weekly wrap up. You do have a busy life of adventures. I love that your children had Christmas Piano recitals. Just thinking about this brought back some sweet memories.
    Have a sweet Christmas celebration; hugs!
