
Friday 9 September 2016

Weekly wrap up--The week we stayed home 9-9-16

My Husband's birthday was this past weekend and the kids wanted to surprise dad with a special cake.  Since I am getting both kids to do a little more cooking they have found you tube site for cooking that they love to watch and get ideas from
It is called Nerdy Nummies by Rosina.  It is a child friendly site.  Since my husband is a huge Star Trek and Star Wars fan the kids decided to bake a Borg cake for his birthday.
This cake required 3 layers which is two layers more than I ever bake:)

Kids than decorated it to look like a Borg cube

Their finished masterpiece!

Next the kids planned to make Dad homemade pizza to resemble Deadpool.  

They found this picture on a website and used it as a guide

as you can see it didn't turn out quite the same and Dad had trouble recognizing it;)

But he really enjoyed the Borg cake

Talk about sugar overload!!!

Due to last week's car damage we have been a one car family.  We are still waiting to find out if the insurance will total our car or not:(.   We also found out we do not have a rider on our insurance for a rental car, ugh.  Have I ever mention how I hate to be house bound due to lack of transportation?  We missed several activities this week due to lack of transportation issues, and next week Coop begins!   We are hoping insurance makes a decision soon so we can get back to normal!

Because we were home all week we got a lot done at least!
We enjoyed eating our lunches outside when the weather allowed.  The heat wave is subsiding a little here

Firedrake finished working on her art project!

Firedrake made dinner one evening a 'new to us' recipe--chicken and dumplings,  Cracker Barrel style.  It was excellent and we all want to try this again soon!

MarioFan is beginning to learn to cook meals!  I am starting him on some easy family favorites.  ON this day he was learning to make Chicken Tikka Marsala.  He hated touching the meat, he got that from me, I am afraid:(

In addition to our car situation, we just found out our home needs a new roof!  The sooner the better according to the roofer.    The price quoted was a shocker!!  Se are bringing out the insurance company and hoping there is enough wind and hail damage over the last ten years that it might be coverage with insurance.  But at the rate our luck is going I am not holding my breathe.  Definitely bad timing since the car was flooded and that also needs to be replaced.

So we also had to make some tough decisions this week about our budget and decided to withdrawal Firedrake from Fencing in order to save some money.  We will add it to the schedule next year.  My husband and I are also looking at our overall household budget and determining what we need to do to free up some money so we can buy a new car if need be.  We have cancelled some services that are 'extras' for the time being as well as looking at other options.  Some major changes will need to be taken this year.  We just keep telling ourselves that we were lucky no one was in the car at the time of the flood and we are all healthy and still have a roof over our heads albeit a leaky one!    

I have been very proud of the kids in how they are handling the changes as it really is the first real challenge or sacrifice they have had to cope with in their lives.  Hopefully it will be for a short term only and we will get back on our feet quickly!


  1. Love the cake and the Deadpool pizza! Your kids a re awesome in the kitchen! Happy belated bday to your hubby!

    Good luck with the car situation and the roof! What inconveniences....and the expense is crazy. My husband was driving hme from work about 6 mos ago, rear ended and the car was totaled...believe it or not, we're still driving it we're lucky. DO you know we've not rec'd the check yet? Yes it's drive-able....just cosmetic damage to the rear.

    Enjoy the weekend.....good to catch up with you!

  2. Stay-cations are the best. And cooking together is so much fun for the kiddos. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Loving all the cooking going on. Sorry to hear about your car and the roof! Those big budget causing problems always seem to come along when we least want to deal with them.

  4. That is a great cake!! Great job guys!!

  5. That cake is awesome! Sorry to hear about all the "life" troubles you're having to go through right now. I hope you find a way to afford all that you need to.

  6. I really loved what your children made for their father's birthday. The cake was awesome and the ideas so creative. So sorry to hear about the car being flooded; not fun at all. I too am happy no one was in it.
    I do hope you get a good insurance settlement and that they will fix your roof.
    I know the feeling of just having one car when you need to be transporting children to activities.
    Sending some prayers and blessings your way! Hugs~
