
Friday 12 August 2016

Weekly Wrap UP 8-12-16--Out of town guests!

It has been a very busy week as we had out of town visitors this week!  Not much school was done but we enjoyed spending time with our friends!  

We all took my daughter to the 'new to us' anime store we recently heard about and we were schooled by Firedrake on the difference between anime and manga.  She found many things she wanted to buy but in the end just decided to make a Christmas list in order to save her allowance money, lol.  Our friends did however buy her a anime figurine to put in her room, which she was thrilled about!  My husband said we had already bought her a new book bag at the mini comic con last week so we weren't buying anything new today!

We took our friend to the botanical gardens for a the evening where they were playing music and we explored the gardens. It was soon HOT that evening.

I loved that the water lilies were in bloom and so pretty!

I found out the Corpse flower at the botanical garden is going to bloom sometime next week!  I have never seen one in bloom so I have put the gardens app on my phone which will notify me when the flower blooms and I will be driving down to see it and smell it:).  I am told it has a horrible odor.  The gardens will remain open until midnight once the flower blooms.  My husband is not so eager to smell the flower convinced he will gag the entire time. Hopefully I will have pictures up next week.  I am pretty excited to see one in bloom.

We took MarioFan to the Science center and saw the new IMAX movie planet earth 

He never gets tired building the arch there:)

We took our friends to a middle eastern restaurant and just enjoyed our many conversations and  company 

We took a trip to the zoo, another extremely HOT day

Firedrake started her Japanese tutoring session this week.  She was so excited and told us all about it at dinner that night.  The first meeting was at the book store but we will be meeting at a local library once a week from now on.  This was the two of them chatting and getting to knew one another.  The tutor is young, very friendly and very dynamic with lots of enthusiasm for the Japanese language and culture so I am expecting great things to come of this. :)


  1. Those waterlily and pads are HUGE! Sounds like a super fun week.

  2. This adventure with friends look like a great one. You do find fun activities today.
    I will look forward to pictures of Corpse Flower blooming. What is the history behind the flowers name? I guess the name came due to the smell. Anway, it's all inteesing.
