
Friday 22 July 2016

Weekly wrap Up 7/22/16

This week I thought I would show you what we are doing for our history lessons since I create my own.  I have not found any history book that met our needs, since I prefer to teach history looking at all sides of an issue not just the white christian view that most books publish.

We like to start by watching Crash Course videos series and for WWI there are 3 short videos that give an over view.

We are also watching a WWI we found on Hulu in the evenings.  IN addition we are looking at several books and other resources to round out our WWI experience.

I really like the book World War I by DK as well as the book The War to End all Wars.
Both kids will be reading War horse and completing a book study on it.  Firedrake will be reading All is Quiet on the Western Front and doing another book study.  However MarioFan will not read that book instead reading the book Trenches and the Usbourne book First World War.  The kids will be watching the movies after each book and looking at the comparisons.

I took MarioFan and a friend to see the movie "The Secret Life of Pets"and afterwards the boys played all afternoon together.  I swear when they get together it is like listening to a alien language when they start discussing video games and characters.  I just smiled and nod most of the time;) My son also introduced his friend to the game Pokemon Go which is the craze at the moment
The boys found this one right after the movie

Of course throughout the week we have taken several walks to locate even more pokemon

and the kids even talked us into driving them around town to find even more Pokemon this week!

My husband and I had a date night and went to a "new to us" movie theater  that serves dinner while you watch the movie!  it had plush reclining seats and even served alcohol!

The lush reclining seating area and the best thing about this showing it was adults only no kids allowed!   Sorry after the last two weeks of seeing the movie Dory and Secret life of pets I needed a no kids allowed movie:)

The menu wasn't too bad although a bit expensive.
We saw the movie the State of Jones and it was excellent I highly recommend it, I learned quite a bit and have been researching the accuracy ever since we watched it.  I think it would be a great movie for high school kids learning about the civil war and reconstruction!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the method ypu have for teahing. It is well rounded. My Grandfather was killed in France in the trenches when my Dad was only 18 months during WWI. His mother had died about a year before that. This made my Dad an Orphan and he was raised by his grandmother. Thus, I have always enjoyed reading war stories from thia war. I liked your date night; it sounded fun. Blessings!😊
