
Friday 10 June 2016

Weekly Wrap UP 6-10-16 A Birthday celebration

Look who is turing 12!!!  Sigh, they grow up so fast.  This child is as tall as me now and he is still growing.  MarioFan has had a whole week of celebrating his 12h birthday with various activities plus 2 cakes, lucky boy!
family picture from my daughters 8th grade graduation

We had to celebrate his birthday early last weekend as Dad had to go out of town on business and my daughter was going to be visiting her grandparents for a week.  Before my husband and daughter left home we had MarioFans favorite dinner --Homemade pizza with Cake for dessert.  As a family we went to the large local swimming pool for the day as his birthday activity.  We don't do birthday parties only family activities.

While my husband and daughter were out of town my son and I  have been doing lots of Mother and son activities.  We went to the Angry Bird movie.

We have been to the pool several times this week
ON his actual birthday I took him to one of his favorite restaurants--a Japanese steak house  where they sang happy birthday to him in Japanese

I also took him to a store where he picked out another Birthday gift and also spent some of his own birthday money on buying a video game
We invited one of his friends to join us as we spent the day at a local fun park where the boys spent four hours playing on the three mini golf courses... 

bumper boats...

go kart racing... 

bumper cars and arcade activities...

and trying their hand at the batting cages

Tonight rounds out the last of MarioFan's week of fun activities by hosting his first ever sleep over at our house with a friend.  He has the evening all planned out.  He assures me that they don't plan to sleep as they will be up all night long talking and playing video games!

I am off to the store to buy the required junk food for tonight, with MarioFan angling for yet another Birthday cake, silly boy!   Wish me luck:)


  1. Wow a birthday week is the best! I'm visiting from Weekly Wrap Up.

  2. Wow, what a week of birthday celebrations; lucky boy. Happy Birthday to MarioFan.
    I do think turning 12 is an important one.

  3. What a fun week! My 12 year old is just about as tall me and my 10 year old isn't that far behind. I was just telling my husband yesterday that it is a really odd feeling to know that soon they are going to be taller than me. My boys went with their father to see the Angry Birds movie this weekend and have not stopped talking about it since.
