
Friday 19 February 2016

Weekly Wrap up 2-19-16

This week we went on a Field trip to visit a Mormon Ward Church.  We are continuing our education on learning about different types of religions.  We have been learning about the Mormon faith during our history lesson since we are studying the mid 1800's.  We were not able to visit the Large Mormon Temple located in the city as it is consider sacred and only Mormons can enter, we were invited to one of their annexes and given a tour and a brief history of the Mormon faith.We learned a great deal and enjoyed our visit
We met several young men who were missionaries assigned to this districts.  They were super in regards to explaining their faith and answering questions  They explained their roles as missionaries and requirements. I was surprise to hear they could only contact their families once a week by email and FaceTime their parents 2 X a year.

We were shown thoughout the facility-- this is the genealogy room.  It was explained to us that family is a very important part of this faith not just those here on earth but those who have past to heaven.  It was explained that if you came to find out a person in your past who wasn't baptized as Mormon that a Mormon family could  request a special baptism which is held at the Temple.  We were also told that baptisms were up to the  spirit to accept. 

Here was a portrait of Brigham Young with pioneer children.  We were told about the history of the Mormon church and how their beliefs got started with Joseph Smith the founder 

Portrait of a Mormon Temple in Navoo, Illinois that was burnt down in the late 1800's due to prejudice against the Mormon faith.  It has been rebuilt and remains standing to this day.  We were told of several percussion stories of what the early Mormons went through

The Ward Library for the congregation

The current Leader of the Mormon Church Thomas Monson who the Mormons believes is a living prophet and he resides in Utah.    

We were told there are 3 parts to the services.  One part is the sacrament, and that water was used instead of wine.  The next part would be an hour spent separating men and women to continue with teaching based on what each of the sexes need.  The third part would be Sunday school.  We were told there are no crosses in their Church as they prefer to concentrate on Christ's life rather than his death.  

We had a great visit and learned a great deal about this faith.  Many questions were answered!

Our local coop had a Valentines party.  We had no idea how creative everyone was going to be with their Valentines boxes.  I had to take pictures and show you some of these remarkable creations
an aircraft carrier so impressive
a ninja

toothless the dragon

a minion



computer screen



we saw several Dr Who telephone booths and robots and a pig

a birthday cake
a unicorn

a girl robot 

a rocket ship and a mystery box:)

Ninja Turtle

I thought this was was impressive it even wore real shoes:)

MarioFan opted out of creating  box to collect Valentines -- But if we attend next year we know we have our work cut out for us!
There were crafts for the kids to do 

Kids played bingo and every kid won a prize!  And of course there was tons of food for all the kids to eat.

The entertainer for the show was a Ventriloquist who had the kids in stitches with his skit

MarioFan was called up to help with the show:)

We had a great time at the Valentine party!  We haven't been slacking on our school work, we are getting lots done which I will update you on next week!


  1. WOW!! Those are some amazing creations!!

  2. Great Valentine boxes! What a fun party! :)

  3. I must say that I really enjoyed this one. I assume that you knew I am a Mormon and right now my husband and I are serving a mission for our church. We are called Senior missionaries and we do all of the same things that the two young men called Elders do. I love that you took a tour of the ward building. I hope you will find other interesting places to visit in Missouri since so much of our early Mormon history occurred there. You should look up some of your ancestors and you may be surprised to mind stories about them.
    I thought the Valentine Boxes were fun and it looks like you had a good time. Blessings and hugs~
