
Friday 29 January 2016

mid year wrap up and accountability 1/29/16

Around this time of the year I like to look back on where we started and where we need to go to see if I am falling behind on anything--I usually am! This gives me a chance to sum up all the kids have learned and help guide thru the next few months.

Math--Both kids are working on their respective Math U see book.  Fire drake is on Pre Algebra and MarioFan is working thru Epsilon.  ON target

History--This is the only subject the kids are doing together this year.  We started with the Civil War, worked thru the Transcontinental railroad, immigration, Industrial Revolution, and Women's suffrage movement.  Next we are going to look at how the West was Won, the destruction of the Plains Indians and the forming of the rest of the states in the mid west.  Hope to be at the beginning of WWI by June and for us to be working on learning (once again) about WWI through the summer.  ON target

Science--Firedrake is earning a high school credit working on Biology using the EO Wilson book which is free on iBooks.  Currently she is halfway thru book 2 and we want her to be completed book 3 by June.  Lab work is also included in this course  ON Target

MarioFan science took off in a completely different direction this year from what I posted I wanted us to do back in July!  Instead of working on cells and hereditary we spent time working on electricity and electrical engineering as he expressed an interest in this.  This month we are beginning to learn about Bridges and civil engineering and will be delving deep into this topic as well as completed many styles of bridges over the next few months!  OFF target from our original plan but ON target for what interests my son at this time:)

English--Firedrake is taking a high school Literature Class at a local coop and is doing excellent.  All aspects of English is covered in this class:)  ON Target
MarioFan has completed All about Spelling  book 5 (not sure if we will begin the final book 6 now or wait till this summer), working on growing with grammar book 6, using IEW to address writing and I am pulling various literature books out for him to read and complete either book reports , lap books or comprehension question.  ON Target

Art--Firedrake is taking a watercolor class at a local coop and MarioFan is taking an art appreciation class at a local coop  ON Target 

Drama--Both are taking this class at a coop  ON Target

PE--MarioFan is taking various sport class at a local place trying all kind of team sports out for 6 weeks, so far he has taken soccer, gym and basketball.  ON Target 
Firedrake was to take a Fencing class last term but broke her foot and had to withdrawal from the program.  Her foot has healed and we signed her up to take Fencing this term:)! OFF target due to broken foot but getting back on target this term:)

Piano--Both kids are taking private piano lesson locally  ONTarget 

Computer--MarioFan is taking a class at coop but I recently signed him up for Homeschool programming independent study which we are doing at home.  This is something he is very interested in so we thought we would try it out  ON Target 

Firedrake is not taking any computer classes this term  but if the Homeschool programming works for MarioFan that may be something she does over the summer months:)

Spanish--Firedrake is taking high school Spanish level 1 at coop and doing very well  ON target
MarioFan is taking intermediate Spanish at coop and also doing well  ON Target

Geography -- Firedrake put together a presentation on Nicaragua for her Spanish class as well as listened to 15 other presentations of Spanish speaking countries.
MarioFan did a presentation on Costa Rico for his Spanish class as well as listen to 8 other presentations of Spanish speaking countries.
This is the one area where we have not accomplished anything at home:(  Way behind on our target

As I look back and am pretty happy with where we are this year!  According to my schedule book we are at 120 school days and over 600 hours.  My state requires 1000 hours.  We should easily met this by end of May or early June.  We tend to school a much lifter load in the summer months:)

So how is your School year going!?!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you give your children such a well rounded education. You amaze me with all you do. Have a blessed day!
