
Friday 11 December 2015

Weekly wrap UP 12/11/15

This week we had another volunteer opportunity--making handmade Christmas cards for the soldiers and veterans in our area thru the American Red Cross.
The group leader added some suggestions on a board to help some of the younger children with what to say!

The kids made homemade cards and wrote their message inside

We ended up for lots of cards and the children's creativity was amazing to see!  The group will be sending these cards to the Red Cross who will make sure the cards are sent to areas of those soldiers who are local to us who are away from their families this holiday season!

I finally manage to get to the science museum as MarioFan met up with a friend to see the new Ripley's believe it or not exhibit. MarioFan loves these books so he wanted to attend the exhibit. 

The boys had fun with all the exhibits.

We were not able to see the Tesla coil as I hope  (for our electrical study) as the demonstration wasn't until 3:30 pm and the boys got hungry so we left to find somewhere for lunch.  We will just have to go back:)  before our unit is over.

We are continuing our lessons this month trying to power thru so we can take a week off from Christmas and New Year.  In between baking and shopping it is crazy busy.  Luckily the kids are doing more and more work independently which is a huge help for me!  


  1. We love Ripley's! Be sure to check, all of our local Ripley's attractions offer BIG home school discounts! Our Aquarium, 29+ per person offers a discount of 7.99 per person for home schoolers! They are big supporters! Just thought I would pass on the info! Oh, and Hi! *waves* I'm a new follower :)

  2. Joe loves Ripley's. He goes to them whenever he can. Joey likes to read the books too. We saw Tesla coils working in New Jersey last year. Those are soooo cool!

  3. I really love that service project. I do know that so many of those soldiers are lonely at this time of year. I am sure they will love the cards.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Celebration and have some good adventures to post about. Hugs~
