
Friday 6 November 2015

weekly update 11/4/15

This post is all about the activities we did for Halloween.  I never did get the decorations done outside:(  We did have some good news this week Firedrake is off her crutches!  YAY!  she is still on a walking boot for another 3 weeks but then should be good to go back to regular shoes.  The Doctor said her broken foot is healing very nicely and she shouldn't have any problems in the future, whew!  She still finds walking long distance to be too much but at least she was able to participate in the halloween festivities which she was very worried about!
We went to  Fright Feast at Six Flags to redeem our season passes.  We stayed for about three hours before Firedrake 's foot began to hurt!  I think in that span of time the kids got to ride two rides:(  It was super crowded being the second to last weekend the park was open this season.

ON Oct 31st we finally carved our pumpkins.  MarioFan went with the plug in's for his pumpkin.  I have had these for years and the kids always loved them! 

his scary creation!

This year Firedrake opted to carve her own pumpkin!

She even clean out the insides, something I still don't like to do:)

Father and daughter working side by side.  

My husband made a storm trooper pumpkin!  Guess who is excited about the new Star Wars movie coming out...he has already purchased tickets for December!

Firedrake pumpkin!  I thought it was excellent for her first try!

She was quite proud of herself!

This year's costumes--MarioFan chose a Union solider 

Firedrake went as a vengeful spirit

Luna the dog went as a Princess!

We were invited to our neighbor's block party this year.  My husband made his wonderful chili and I made Brain cupcakes.  You have to use your imagination:)

All the neighbors brought their candy over to hand out

And there was tons of food.  One of the neighbor's brew their own beer so we sample some seasonal flavors.  I am not a beer drinker so I passed on this experience. 

Another neighbor put together a hay ride for the children and drove them around the neighborhood. 

Firedrake was able to go trick or treating with her friends, but soon her foot tired out and I got a phone call to pick her up.  I was very impressed that the girls stayed with Firedrake until I reached her and then they continued on their Trick or treating.  I had originally told Firedrake that this was the last year for trick or treating but because of her foot and not being able to go as far as the other girls I have agreed that she should have one more year of trick or treating. 


  1. Looks like a fun week! Glad her foot is getting better :)

  2. It look like you had a great Halloween celebration with some good adventures. I am happy that you will let your sweet daughter go next year if she wants too.
    Blessings and hugs!

  3. That sounds wonderful; we made a stormtrooper pumpkin this year too. We can't wait for the new Star Wars movie!
