
Friday 9 October 2015

Weekly update 10-9-15

It has been an interesting week!  Firedrake fell down while walking the dog and manage to break her foot and severely strained her left foot ligaments:(.  She is now non-weight bearing for the next several weeks and she is not happy about that at all.  It has not gone unnoticed to her that this will severely affect halloween activities.

She is wearing a boot for the next 3 weeks and then we go back to the Doctor to see if we can begin PT and walking. 

Speaking of Halloween,  Luna has her costume all ready!  She was not thrilled with the whole idea as you can see by her expression:) lol
This week was also my Husband and my 16th wedding anniversary!!!  My parents sent us a bottle of wine from the winery where were married!  So sweet!  My husband and I were very touched by the gestured!

I bought my husband two boxes of his favorite cereal as a gift as it only comes out this time of year!  I am such a big spender:)

We had two volunteer activities scheduled this week but only went to one because of the unexpected  foot injury.
We made cat toys and blankets for the local humane society at a local homeschoolers house.  The kids worked so hard and beat the previous record set by another group, which they were thrilled about.  Here MarioFan is making a cat toy using fleece

While Firedrake worked on making cat blankets.  The kids made a total of 21 cat blankets in just 2 hours!

and 100 cat toys in 2 hours.  They all worked hard

Firedrake has been working very hard on her country study on Nicaragua and completed her presentation board which she will use during her scheduled presentation next week

MarioFan has brought out the Scratch book I bought ages ago and is beginning to learn some programming.  When he tried this before he got frustrated and gave up, but he is managing very well this time around and making progress. Once again showing me that kids will learn things in their own time if I just give them a little space:) 
This past weekend was the town's Scarecrow festival.  We were not able to attend but the scarecrows are up all month and when we find one while out and about we take a picture.  This one is at the local grocery store:)

That is our week in a nut shell, it is always interesting around here:)


  1. Wow, you guys accomplished a lot of great things, despite the broken foot set-back! I hope that it heals quickly and does not cause her much discomfort.Happy Anniversary!

  2. OH no broken foot...that can hurt! Healing prayers coming her way! Happy Anniversary!

  3. I agree there is always something interesting going on at your place. Sorry about the broken foot; that is a rough one. Praying that she will heal quickly.
    I enjoyed reading about your adventures. Sending hugs and wishing for blessings for you all~
