
Saturday 12 September 2015

Weekly Wrap UP 9-04 and 9-11

I missed typing up our weekly wrap up last week so I am putting it together with this week's wrap up. We have been so busy that writing a blog more than once a week is just getting too difficult for me.  Even my weekends are filling up:) and if there is any down time I am resting. So for the time being I have decided to just try to put our our weekly wrap ups until further notice.

So last week activities included:
My husband had another Birthday!  Red Velvet cake, his favorite!  I made him crab cakes for his birthday dinner which is another favorite!

Mario Fan worked on building a log cabin since we are studying Abraham Lincoln

HIs Finished project.  My daughter, Firedrake opted out of this activity and since we are requiring her to do more high school level work she wrote an essay on the reason for why she felt the Civil War began.  My husband and I were really please with her effort!

MarioFan is learning about static electricity and did several experiments  

Picking up pieces of paper with static electricity

He was super excited to see water move with static electricity although that is hard to see in this picture

 Firedrake is continuing to work with her Dad on her Biology and doing really well.  She is getting ready to take her first test!  I need to get a picture of the two of them working together!

For the this week's wrap up we had plenty to do with several field trips scheduled.
We took a took of Pilot Knob Civil War battle ground in MO.

They had a little museum there so we learned about the battle 

Saw the location where U. Grant received notification that he had been promoted to B. General
 On what seem like the hottest day of the year we attended a Japanese Festival at the botanical gardens!
 they had a bonsai exhibit--I love bonsai!

Japanese flower arranging

Saw Shrines and learned a little about the Japanese culture. 

Took a guided tour though the Japanese garden to learn about the way a Japanese garden is laid out.

Watched a sumo wrestling match!

Started our first day of Homeschooling classes!  
Attended a baseball game and while it was raining on and off all night, we luckily had seats under cover so stayed dried!  We only stayed still the fifth inning as by that time our team was losing 6 to 0:( and we all had things to do in the morning!  Firedrake opted to not to go since she isn't much of a baseball fan.

Today we are attending IEW seminar's and meeting the man behind the videos we love so much and that we have been using for the last 3 years for our writing curriculum.  I will post about that next week:)


  1. Wow! I love it all! Happy Birthday. It is a beautiful cake. Looks like a lot of great learning activities.

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. Red velvet cake is always yummy! This week looked busy and fun. You did a variety of different things; which looked like fun.
    Always enjoy your adventures! Hugs~
