
Friday 28 August 2015

Weekly Wrap Up 8/28

Another busy week for the family!  This weekend my Husband and I attended a seminar on 'How to Homeschool High School'.  While I went to two seminars last year on this topic it was the first time my husband was able to attend so he could see what we are getting ourselves into:)  We both learned a lot and since this is the third time I have heard the information it is starting to not feel so over whelming for me.

Firedrake worked on her first lab experiment using the EO Wilson Biology book(a free secular biology book from apple apps).  This experiment will have her to document the changes in 3different types of seeds (we used zucchini, milkweed and green beans) for the next 4 weeks.  She is looking at how seeds may have traveled to islands.  Her control seeds are inside plain water jars and the variable seeds are in salt water jars.  After remaining in the jars for 4 weeks she will try to germinate them and see if there is a difference in the success rate of the germination.  For the first time she is keeping a lab book to keep her observations in since we are going to count this as a high school credit.

This year my husband is taking the reins on teaching Firedrake Biology and has done an amazing job researching and planning out her schedule.  Firedrake is learning that Dad is a much harder teacher than Mom!  She just might start appreciating me yet!  I will admit I feel a little lost not helping as much but I am concentrating on MarioFan's science that that is helping me cope, sort of.  Although my husband does remind me occasionally not to interfere in his class LOL!  I never thought it would be so hard to just let go of the control!

MarioFan has decided for science he wanted to do a unit on Electricity.  We currently have a snap circuit for him that he loves.  We decided to find a another system that is more real life like.  I have downloaded several lap books and lesson plans and am slowly putting this unit together for him.  But first I am doing a slight review of atoms and molecules to make sure he has the foundations down, they last time we studied this was three years ago.  I am pleased that he remembers quite a bit of it just needing a refresher on the correct vocabulary words.  He also did a experiment this week to review the vocabulary word diffusion and how that applies to atoms and molecules.
looking to see how molecules move in cold, hot and warm waters

another experiment looking at how molecules have space between them.  We took a mason jar and filled it with 1 cup of water and marked it with tape.  Then filled the jar with a second cup of water and marked it with tape.  Next we empty the jar and filled it again with a single cup of water.  Next we filled it with a cup of sugar  and observed that it did not reach the  mark of the 2 cups of water.   A case where 1+1 doesn't equal 2:)

This week was also home link orientation, where we find out the schedule, pay the fees, buy books and hear the rules for attending the classes.  It can be very busy and there is so much information to absorb for us all.  Only 2 more weeks until classes begin both kids are looking forward to it!

Another exciting event happening in two weeks for the kids is Andrew Pudewa from IEW is coming to our area and I have signed the kids up for a single course with him.  We have been using his program for several years and I really see great improvements with both of the children writing.  We are looking forward to having a class with Mr. Pudewa, maybe I will even get a picture of him with my children:)!


  1. It looks like you are ready for another exiting school adventure. I think i will find it interesting to see how the school portion of it goes. You certainly do some great experiments with the children; I love that.
    Looking forward to your adventures~ Hugs!

  2. How wonderful to share the teaching!! Way to go !!!
