
Friday 10 July 2015

highlights from our 6 week break!

We just got back from our 6 week summer break where we visited family and friends and did lots of fun activities.  The first couple of weeks the kids spent time with their grandparents

The kids went kayaking a couple of times at a local lake with my mother and sister

they helped their Nana at the Protect the Monarchs booth for Fun Day in the Park
While the kids were away I had some free time and decided to get creative with several projects!

I worked on making a stain glass project for a wedding present  that we were going to at the end of our holiday

I also made a piece for my sister--oops I forgot to get a picture by the window and after the project was cleaned up

I took a painting class and made this painting for my Dad's birthday as he is a huge Cardinal fan!
After 2 and a half weeks I met up with my kids at my parents house and we did a few activities relating to school:)
Visited a Civil War museum in Harrisburg  -- it was very good 

We took a tour of Gettysburg National Park--Can you tell where we are in our history lesson:)!

Kids gorged themselves several times at their favorite pizza joint near my parents house!
My Mom and I took a felting class and made cute little hummingbirds:)

Once my husband finished up with his work he met the kids and I at my parents house and we drove to North Carolina to have a weeks holiday and met up with some friends 
I met an friend from blogosphere -- this is the second time we have had a chance to met up for a quick chat!

Took the kids and the dog, Luna to the beach!  Luna was less than impressed with the hot weather and the ocean:)

Visited Fort Fisher a confederate civil war site

Visited the North Carolina aquarium

We attended the beautiful wedding of some good friends !

On the way home we drove thru the town my husband parents lived and visited their graves
We came home exhausted but made so many wonderful memories as we continue on our Life's Adventures:)!


  1. Wow, you did have some great 6 week summer adventures. I loved your creativity and what you made; also. You are really good at the stain glass and a most impressive picture.
    You always do fun things with the children and I love that.
    Looking forward to the rest of your adventurers for the summer.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Thank you again Anna-Marie for your visit in between all your fun travels and adventures! I love your stain glass and art work and it looks like you had another great break with your family!
