
Thursday 11 June 2015

Road trip part 1

My parents have taken the kids to their house for a short period for a summer break, which gives my husband and I some time to reconnect as a couple.  My parents did this last year and I was so hesitant and nervous about it.  This year however I was excited for the chance to have some alone time and of course some couple time with my husband.

My husband and I decided to take a week long road trip!

My husband is a huge music fan so we had to stop at the crossroads and get a few pictures!

Next we stopped at the Delta Blues museum, no pictures were allowed inside but it was a great museum

across the street we were told Morgan Freeman co-owes this restaurant so we stopped by for lunch.  I have never seen so much graffiti in my life as what was in this restaurant which I guess is part of the charm.  Food was good though.

Next stop in town was the Rock and Blues museum which is privately owned by a Danish man who is an American citizen.  He had an amazing collection of albums and memorabilia dating from the 60 until the early 2000!  My husband was so impressed with this man's collection sort of makes his 500 CD collection look like child's play.

How many of you remember what this is?  we saw this now art work on the side of a building!

While traveling thru Mississippi we followed the Blues trail and came across on old  Po' Monkey joint.  A place where folks gathers to play and dance to Blues music!

Next we stopped at an Old Plantation that used to be in these parts.  It was self containing plantation which provided its workers with everything such as a church, store, school, hospital, housing, post office, and cemetery.  We were told this plantation was actually well maintained and did not take advantage of its workers by charging exorbitant prices.  Other low income workers were not so lucky and many of these types of set ups exploited their workers making it impossible for the workers to ever leave once signing on to work.

The farm is no longer operational but the building are in excellent condition

The overseers house was the only house in deplorable condition.  

Next we stopped at Vicksburg Civil War Park and cemetery.

Taking a look at the map and how the Mississippi river has changed
Getting a first hand look of the river

We took a tour of the battleground which is considered one of the best preserved in the nation for the position of the union and confederate forces
Only union forces are buried here as confederate forces were considered traitors, so they were buried elsewhere.  It was Memorial day weekend when we drove thru so it was nice to see all the flags at the gravesite

Throughout the cemetery were markers that had parts of the poem "Bivouac of the Dead" by Theodore O'Hare

The USS Cairo can also be found in the National Park

This ship was sank in in 36 feet of water on Dec 1886 in the Yazoo river 

It was raised in 1960 and found in remarkable condition

The paddle wheels were incased inside the ship

There are 7 guns on this iron class ship

There was a small but very informative museum about this wonderful ship!

Next post is about our stay in New Orleans, Louisiana as we continue our week long couple get away!


  1. I loved that you are having a couple adventure; that is way awesome.
    I enjoyed reading about all the different places that you are visiting. I didn't have any idea that there were ever self containing plantations. I found that very interesting.
    I will look forward to reading about the rest of your trip. Blessings!

  2. Another excellent trip...this time as a couple!
    Thanks so much for sharing your excellent adventures and pics!
