
Friday 29 May 2015

dried flower ornaments craft

I found this activity on Pinterest and have been wanting to give it a try for several months.  My mother was visiting and she runs a garden club at a Nursing home where she lives and I showed it to her and it will be an activity she does with the ladies in the Garden club.  It is also super easy for children to do!

There are several blogs out there that has done this craft and I give credit to the blog that I used from Pinterest...I have no idea who the first person was who came up with this idea...this is just what I tried and how I made adjustments for my family!!!
First find some small flowers and press then in a phone book---also press some ferns and small leaves...I found the smaller the flowers and leaves the easier to work with

There is a white clay recipe on the web for this which you can find here, but I found that clay to dry out and crack so I gave up on it and bought some air dry clay from walmart and so far it it holding up much better
First roll out the dough and cut out circles

use a straw to make holes at the top and allow clay to completely dry either on the counter or in the oven according to directions

Once dry they should be harder but otherwise look the same

Add mod podge to the clay

Carefully arrange the dried flowers onto the ornament.

Cover the entire clay and flow with more mod podge and  allow to dry
results after the mode lodge dries
Next we added pretty ribbon and are going to hang them on some twigs once it stops raining for me to go out and find some in the woods I think they look so pretty.  It will also be a simple fun craft for young and old!


  1. Very cool!!! I see a project for the kids the next couple weeks :)

  2. Wow, I love this project. I may look into and make some. I am not very crafty but I may try. I loved the tutorial. Blessings and thanks for this one~
