
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Piano recitals

The kids have been continuing their piano lessons but we have had a hard time finding the right teacher since we returned to the states.  Because we have switched teachers the kids have not participated in a piano recital in over 18 months.  So this was a big deal in our house:)

MarioFan playing Chattanooga blues

Playing Brave Warrior

Firedrake playing Knight"s Tale

Playing Madrid

Both kids will be performing these pieces again in August while undergoing a piano testing.  It will be the first time they have been tested under the American system as we have only done British testing up to now.


  1. Hi Anna-Marie!

    I'm unable to listen to the videos, but I can see them and see movement, but I'm sure they sound wonderful! Congratulations to them on a job well done! Your kids are growing so fast! My two oldest just had their second recital in March and they were so glad to get it over with! :) I had no idea that American testing is different than British piano testing! Is that a big adjustment and difference? Hope you are having a blessed week!

  2. Oh and PS: I thought of you especially today because we were reading about D-Day and WWII and I pulled out the bottles of sand you gave us for the beaches of Normandy and read some of the literature you sent us so long ago! Thank you again for your thoughtful gifts and adding to our history lesson today :)

  3. I love that you are providing piano lessons for your children. This is awesome. I do think that all children should learn some kind of instrument.
    Hugs for them!
