
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Parent and child time

My husband and I always try to have some one on one time with each child.  I wish we could do this monthly as I believe each child needs our undivided attention but we are lucky if we can squeeze in this special time quarterly.  But it is better than nothing!   I took my daughter to a painting class.
We were to work together to paint two canvasses which when set side by side made a nice picture

I love her beautiful smile:)

The instructor was fun and very patient with the kids!

We each worked separately on our canvasses

except when things needed to appear on both canvasses such as the rainbow or clouds

taking a break and letting our paint dry 

Being silly 

Some of the kids were a bit heavy with the paint and needed to use a blow dryer to get their paint to dry!

putting on the finishing touches!

Our masterpiece!

We had a lovely afternoon out and even better Firedrake says she wants to do it again soon!
While I was out with our daughter my Husband took our son out for the day at the Science Center which is his favorite thing to do!  My husband doesn't take as many pictures of activities as I do and I can't seem to access from his phone so no pictures of the guys having their fun day!


  1. awww, what a lovely thing to d :-)

  2. What a very fun activity with your daughter. I loved it. Sending hugs your way!
