
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Cooking lessons

This year we have had Firedrake cooking a family dinner once a week and we have been very consistent with that.  Her reward for cooking dinner is that I do the dishes that night:)  For Christmas I bought a blank recipe book that I have had Firedrake write down some family recipes in.  These are the ones she really likes and either I or my husband make.

I won't pretend that she actually loved this idea!  I am hoping she will appreciate it when she moves out on her own and has to remember to cook her own meals:)

She writes down the recipe as she is cooking as I don't always used exact measurements so this helps us both to figure out the measurements for certain ingredients!

We have a few recipes written down already 

Cooking dinner for the family!

I intend to do the same for MarioFan when it is his turn to learn to cook!  Like I said hopefully in the years to come she will learn to appreciate this Christmas present and the effort she has put into it to create a personal cookbook of her favorite childhood recipes. A mother can dream, right, LOL:)!


  1. I did similar for my girls but gave them card boxes and they were supposed to write or print recipes on them ... I think they've average writing up one recipe a year ... lol Mine were gifts to them too ... I feel your pain!

  2. Oh,, I am sure she will be happy you had her do this one. I worked with my children on cooking and my son's wives love that their husbands no how to cook. They are all really. good cooks. I loved this one.
    Blessings wished for you all and enjoy the your new cook's dinners.
