
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Trip to Philly

While visiting my parents we took a train trip up to Philadelphia to visit some of the historic sites we have been learning about this year!  We have been concentrating on the making of America in our history lessons.

First stop was to see Independence Hall

Sitting in on the Ranger talks and I was pleased that my kids were able to answer many of his questions about what happen here.

I love visiting historic sites I get goosebumps knowing what important events took place here

Seeing the room that the delegates worked on the new constitution and the original chair where George Washington sat

This is the design on the back of Washington's chair and Ben Franklin wrote that he often wondered it it was a raising sun or a setting sun during the many debates!  

The grand Hall

Independence Hall

Next we stop at the Liberty Bell 

X ray of the crack

Next stop was to see the location of the first Presidents are the original foundations.  George Washington lived here during his presidency while the White House was being built, which John Adams the second president moved into.

There was a mock layout of what the house may have looked like.  Several televisions explaining the various roles of the servants who served in the house, many where slaves

Next we stopped into Constitution place and saw a wonderful exhibit on America from birth to present time.  No photos where allowed inside but there were so many hands on exhibits and tons of reading to find.  My kids loved playing the Jeopardy game with a museum staff member 

Another full day and a exhausted child on the train ride home.  


  1. I loved your adventure to Philly. It brought back some memories of a trip we took there many years ago. I loved to see the chair that Washington sat in.
    It was so fun to learn about the events that took place there. I love history a lot. I enjoyed all of the pictures.
    Wishing blessings for you all in this new year.

  2. My oldest son & I went to Philly a couple years ago. Being from the west coast, we don't have the history that founded our country & it was an eye opening experience. I definitely want to make the trip with my other two children. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  3. We LOVED Philly!!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing your pics!~

    (I'm still willing to help you with that one update for your blog that we were talking about...) ;)
