
Friday 19 December 2014

Trip to art museum

The second day we spent in Indianapolis we toured the art gallery as we discovered they were holding a Georgia O'Keefe exhibit and she is one of my favorite artists.  I wasn't able to take pictures in many areas.   There were plenty of hands on things for the children to do at the art gallery

Creating art on iPads

Taking pictures of themselves and then mixing up the photos and adding it to a picture wall

We toured the modern art exhibit and watched a video on the creative process of artists

watched how art begins and shapes
The final art piece from the video, which was interesting...we couldn't quite decide where this art would go except in a museum!

Kids like this one as it reminded them of crystals formations

This was a floor made of teeny tiny people holding up the plexi glass MarioFan liked to get up close to look of the people

Firedrake took the dare and walked on it to see if it would hold her up...we were allowed to do this!

The next room was audio art, tons of microphones throughout the room all saying various messages, as you walked underneath the microphones, it was interesting

Kids were excited to find their first Alex Caldwell art piece since we learned about him last year!

Next we watched a video on performance the artist climbs up the stairs and throws a pitcher of pink paint into a box and then climbs weren't really sure what to make of this style of art and frankly neither did I:)

Firedrake like this one which looks very nondescript from a far, In fact I walked right by it, but Firedrake called me back to take a closer look

but if you get closer you can see various animals and things in the picture, we spent a few minutes finding things in the picture which was fun!

Also on the museum grounds is an old country home from the late 1800's which we toured

loved the old car

Pretty rooms decked out in Christmas decor

It was fun seeing the decorations in the old house and touring the art museum.  We had another fun day out

1 comment:

  1. Oh the Christmas decorations look lovely. What a fun art museum. I liked the painting that you had to looks at to find things in it; i would have enjoyed that. This was another great learning adventure.
    Blessings for sharing this one; I liked it!
