
Tuesday 9 December 2014

Santa Pictures...LOL!

It has been about three weeks since my last blog post due to being out of town visiting family for the Thanksgiving holiday.  We just got back on Sunday and I spent today unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping, and doing school with the kids trying to get back into our routine.  I hope over the next couple of days to be able to really sit down and write a few posts to tell you all what we have been up too, tons of adventures as always.

My kids refuse to sit for Santa pictures anymore, Firedrake stop 2 years ago and this year was the first time MarioFan said NO.  Kids grow up so fast and I just loved going to the mall, standing in long lines to get that yearly picture!

While away we left our hedge hog and reptiles with a owner of a pet store and when we were picking them up on Sunday they had Santa Claus in their shop taking pictures with everyones pets, so I got a picture with Santa Claus and all our husband and kids thought I was nuts, LOL

Can you find Sonic the hedge hog, Isaac the Bearded dragon, Lizzy the leopard gecko and Luna the Dog
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and we are now decorating the house getting ready for much to do....


  1. That is hilarious!!!
    And Luna looks as keen as any toddler to be in the picture!
    Yay for wide eyed adoring pets!!
    I really hope Santa loves all animals no matter what they do on his red suit.....

  2. I love the picture. i like the idea of Santa with the pets. I will look forward to more of your adventures.
    Blessings as you get ready for Christmas!

  3. What a fun Santa picture! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. BTW, Life's Adventures is this week's Blog of the Week over on Blog Mommas! Congrats!! :)
