
Friday 17 October 2014

Scarecrow Festival

The first weekend in October a local town was holding a scarecrow festival and we took the afternoon off to look at some of the 100 scarecrows placed about the town!

Outside the dentist office was a scarecrow dentist brushing a tooth

Dr office scarecrow

In front of several restaurants were chef scarecrows

IN front of the local church

Fiesta scarecrow in front of the Mexican restaurant

IN front of a spa

kids called it freaky scary clown scarecrow

I tried to talk the kids to bend over and peek underneath the barrel but they thought I was weird for requesting that!  I thought it would be a funny picture:)  
This robot was one of my favorites 

A more traditional scarecrow

With no prompting MarioFan saluted the Elk scarecrow at the Elks lodge:)

scarecrow outside the optician office

a witch

Called the Booze hound and Whine enthusiast found outside the wine shop:)  My husband thought that was very funny!

Another creative scarecrow at the local liquor store

This very strange scarecrow was outside a local modern artist shop, it was very unique

Butterfly girl 


Bug lady

This one reminded me of the green man from Europe which was in front of the local Irish pub

Outside the local bank was a scarecrow watering a money tree:)

Plumber scarecrow 

stock broker outside the Edward Jones office

Train conductor at the local park

We all thought this one was an alien with the strange eyes found at the local golf course
A nice fall photo opportunity with the kids

There are over 100 scarecrows around town and I think we found about 30 of them.  The scarecrows are to remain up until the end of the month so we may go out again to look for a few more.  It was a beautiful day to walk around town looking for the scarecrows and I was amazed at the creativity!


  1. Oh my gosh I think this is a great idea.. Here in Utah they don't go into much business decorating; I think it is a great idea. I enjoyed all the pictures that went along with what the visit was.
    Thanks for sharing the fun photos and blessings for you all!

  2. How fun! The people in your area sure are spirited! We don't have anything like that around here and if we did, everyone would be annoyed that they had to make a scarecrow. I've never seen such a variety of scarecrows. I agree with your kids, the clown scare crow is scary! The modern art scarecrow is.... different???

  3. Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun. I love scarecrows and build a little one with overalls that all five of my children wore between the ages of 9 months and 2yrs. They are now 22-13. Thanks for sharing!
