
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Learning about Farm steading in Missouri

We took a field trip to Thornhill which is the home of Missouri second governor when it was still a territory.  The kids got to participate in some chores that would be expected of children in the 1800's.

This old barn is over 150 years old and you can see the old peg and wood construction 
Seeing the wood and peg method of building in the old barn

Kids being shown how it works and how strong this method of building is

The Main house so pretty with the leaves changing

an older building used for distillery on the property
The ice house and the smoke house on the property

Kids were shown how dyes were made using black walnut and a berry plant

Simply placed in water and left alone for about an hour and the water changed color
Checking on the dye later and seeing a nice brown color from the black walnut and a pink/purple color from the berries

One of the first activities the kids had to do when they arrived was help cut up the veggies for their lunch meal 

veggies being put in the pot and while it was cooking the kids learn about the history of this house and did a few more chores 

Like turning butter

so we would have fresh butter to go along with our bread 

Next the kids needed to bring water to the house to help with dishes and cooking

find kindling for the fire

and carry wood to the kitchen to help keep the fire burning 

Once that was done they went out to the field to do harder work

like splitting logs to build a zig zag fence

Getting a proper demonstrating of putting the wedge into a log

and then how to hammer it in without breaking a leg:)

Then the kids got a try

All the kids loved this and kept wanted to hammer the wedges,  I think they put in 3-4 wedges before we had to move on to the next activities

Learning to build a zig zag fence 

After all that hard work the kids were called in for lunch
veggie soup and bread for the main meal 

and then cooked apples for dessert along with lemonade and ginger cookies
After lunch we toured the family graveyard and learned a little about the history of the family

Frederick Bates grave (second governor of MO)

Then the kids had a chance to make wax candles---first a string was dipped in hot wax

then dipped in cold water -- the kids had a chance to do this about 20X and had a nice small starter candle now.  I might have them try to make a bigger candle with more wax one day:)  So much hands on learning to do:)
After the chores were done we explored the inside of the house

the home had two original tables that belong to the Bates family

traveling writing desk 

We had such a great learning day out and learn a little more about our states history.  This facility has many school programs to offer.  We enjoyed it so much that we would go back for another program!

1 comment:

  1. I must say this was an awesome adventure. I loved what the children learned by going there. I love history; so I would have really enjoyed this one. I think it is so great to learn about what our ancestors did and how hard they really had to work.
    Blessings for all you do with your children; I am just so impressed.
