
Monday 13 October 2014

A new pet -- introducing Luna!

Part Two--

While at the humane society and being upset to see Junebug there my husband started to look at the other dogs available for adoption  The kids and I were too busy coping with the fact that Junebug was there to look at any other dogs.  Quietly he came in and said he wanted the kids to visit with another dog.  The staff came and got Junebug and returned her to her pen and we spent some time with a beagle mix puppy.

We learned this little dog was a abandoned in an apt complex but found in good health

We noticed immediately she had a fantastic personality and very calm.  MarioFan found her to be much more responsive to his needs which was a huge relief for him.
 I will admit I was hesitant at first as this was still a puppy at a year and had no formal training so I knew it would be a lot of work.  I also worried that after the shock of seeing Junebug there we were rushing into dog ownership and this time there was no returning a dog that was not the right fit for our family.  My husband, who up to this moment had been hesitate to take on a dog, really pushed for us to adopt her saying he could tell right away she had the type of personality we needed in a family dog.  So with a little bit of sadness that we were leaving Junebug behind we adopted her and took her home that same day!  It really was a day of mix emotions for my daughter and I but this little dog quickly wormed her way into our hearts!

The children decided to call her LUNA and here she is getting acquainted with our pet hedgehog.

IN just this past week we had train her to obey the sit and down command.  We are also working on better leash manners:)

Luna enjoying a bone after our science lesson
We have had the dog for 3 weeks now and she is proving to be the right dog for our family!  While it was a struggle to find her she is really loved by us all.  Even my husband who admits to not being a dog person is slowly coming around to her charms and even admits what a sweet girl she is:)  I have added Dog obedience training to our school schedule and can file it under practical arts :)


  1. I can relate to what you are going through - homeschooling and puppy training. We have a 10 week old puppy at home with us and every day is a new learning adventure!

  2. She is a cutie! How big will she get? It looks like she has short hair. If so, that will prove to be a blessing. She'll still shed everywhere, but I find that there is less mess with short haired animals. Good luck!

    1. She weighs only 25 lbs and should top out at 30 or 35 lbs. she is a short hair so I am hoping that helps with shedding so far she is working out beautifully

  3. A good humane society is a great place to get a dog. My son volunteered at one, so we got a bit of an inside look. A lot goes in to making sure the dogs are paired with the right family. We have adopted two (after 2 horrible dog experiences not from a shelter) and they are a perfect fit for our family. I hope that Luna turns out to be the same for yours! :)

  4. This looks lie an adorable pet and I am happy she is working out for your family. I love that the dog training can fit into your teaching. Loved the pictures on this one; blessings to all!

  5. Oh my! Luna is absolutely adorable! I know you're juggling a lot right now, so it's so nice of you to adopt a puppy. I hope she'll add more love and happiness to your family. Thanks for sharing that! All the best!

    Sherri Briggs @ The Pet Glider
