
Tuesday 16 September 2014

Vacation Pictures

We went away for a week long camping trip to Door County Wisconsin and had a great time.  We are back home and trying to get back into the swing of school so I will be busy for the next week or so while we adjust to our new Coop schedule and try to juggle our new school schedule.  I will admit I am feeling overwhelmed with all the new activities I have signed the kids up for.  I will leave you with a few pictures of our trip and hopefully I will be able to sit down and write a few posts and visit your blogs again soon.

We added a new state to our Camper

Kids swam in the very cold Lake Michigan

We took many nature hikes throughout the area.  It is beautiful there:)

Even did a little learning on the geography of the Wisconsin area-- always have to sneak that in:)
observed nature along the way

Found a forested valley that had dozens of Monarch butterflies.  We have never seen so many in one area before. 

But we did fun activities too like play miniature golf 

visited a maritime museum and learned about the powers of the great lakes and the many ship wrecks

Visited two lighthouses and learned about the keeper lives.

The one school assignment given was the kids needed to read a school book and discuss it with us at dinner:)

Learned to play a new game, one of Daddy's favorite RISK

Watched a boat rescue--which was really neat.  The boat was stuck on a sand/rock bar and the waves were pushing it toward the shore.

Tried a local custom by attending a local fish boil 

and lastly tried their famous Cherry pies.  They were so good we had several while we were there:)
We had several wonderful warm days at the beginning and then the temperature changed and it got cold and rainy.  That did not dampen our spirits and we enjoyed the time away to reconnect as a family before the rush of the new school year!


  1. I would day that was a lovely adventure to go on before tackling school. The pictures were awesome and i love how you incorporate school learning while having fun.

  2. Ah, Risk! My Dad used to love to play that game, but we rarely had the patience to play the whole thing. I love the pretty mushrooms! Sounds like you've been having some great times!
