
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Unexpected treasures

While camping we stumbled a few unexpected treasures which is always fun for us as a family.
While hiking along Pickle creek Firedrake spotted crawdads in the creek.  First time I have ever seen them alive.  

Next we stumble across a placed that house the "Liberty Bell of the West"  which I had never heard of before 

We learned that George Rogers Clark capture the town of Kaskaskia on July 1778 stopping the British from taking control of the Illinois area

The bell even has a crack in it just like the one in Pennsylvainia

More on the history of this bell

Next we stopped in the amazing Kaskaskia catholic church which has been completely refurbished and is recognized as the first church in the area brought here by the French jesuits.

It also hold significance to the Kaskaskia Indians who were relocated to OK.  They still occasionally come back to the church for special ceremonies.

This stone christening font is the original dating back to the early 1700's and was used to christen the indians by the jesuits priests.  The Indian drum on the floor in a modern drum used by the Kaskasia indians when they visit and we are told they do the entire ceremony in their own language.

We drove thru Popeye's home town--a storm was brewing so we didn't stop to explore,maybe next time:)
We watched our first ever Tractor pull event...I had no idea what they were doing:)

Enjoy tons of quality time with the kids.  I am teaching MarioFan how to play Gin rummy

Firedrake was able to play Chess with Daddy and even won two games...she was so excited.  My husband does help her to think through her moves but even he says she is starting to get harder to beat:)  

We enjoyed are Labor day weekend getaway especially since my husband has been working so hard recently.  We have one more big camping trip coming up where we are going to Door county Wisconsin.  We can't wait to add another state to our list of places we have explored:)


  1. I haven't seen crawdads in the wild since I was a child! Who knew that Popeye had a hometown?!?! Looks like you guys had a lovely Labor Day weekend!

  2. Another learning moment for me today. I loved this post and learned a lot. i did like the story of the bell. I hope someday to see more states in our country as well. We have traveled some but it would be great to do more. Maybe when my husband retires we can take some trips. I love history so I would enjoy trips like this one.
    Blessings for sharing this one!
