
Monday 4 August 2014

Our America Series ... The Pioneer Adventure

And my first GIVE AWAY!!!!

I was once again given the opportunity to review Susan Kilbride new historical fiction book.  My children have read the entire 5-book series so far and really enjoy them!  These books are written with fictional characters Finn and Ginny, who travel back in time to experience real historical events while searching for their missing parents.  What is great about these books are that many of the events Finn and Ginny experience are directly related to what the author's ancestors experienced during these times.  I just love that personal connection!  In this book Finn and Ginny are on a wagon ride heading west to Oregon.  Susan Kilbride writes that all of the events in this book are true but did not occur in the same wagon ride!

The recommended ages for these books are 7 to 12 year old.  They average about 100 pages and have short chapters, but are fill of historical events.   Another plus about these books is that the author, Susan Kilbride, has put together for free, additional activities on her website that you can use for each book.  I have done several posts on the activities the children have done for each book and we love the extra activities!   You can check out her website here!

You can look back at some of the posts I have done on her other books here (just click on the links)

Pilgrim Adventures
King Phillips War Adventures
Salem Adventures activities

As you can see from these past post we have enjoyed reading the books and doing many of the activities that Susan Kilbride includes on her website.

I am excited that Susan Kilbride has allowed me to offer a give away of a 3 her books to one lucky winner!  King Phillips War, Salem Witch trials and Revolutionary War.  The lucky winner can choose to receive the books electronically or receive a hard copy in the mail.  Just leave a comment below and the kids and I will draw a name out of a hat August 25th.  

If you can't wait and must try one of her books right away, (which I really recommend) Mrs. Kilbride is having a Amazon sale on the first book for $2.99 beginning today August 4th!


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog! This is an awesome giveaway! My boys would love to win this.

  2. Oh, I bet Ethan would love this! He's studying American History this year. :)

  3. I haven't heard of this series; how exciting!
    I hope a very deserving and READING child wins!!!!!

  4. I know that i and my grandchildren would enjoy these books. I love the idea that she has activities with them. I love american history; actually i love history.
    It sounds like a great give away.

  5. We'd love to win these awesome books!

  6. I've heard you talk about these books and it would be really exciting to finally read them for ourselves! :)

  7. These books sound great and I will definitely have to check them out! My oldest loves time travel and I bet he'd really enjoy them!
