
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Happy Birthday MarioFan

Look who is turing 10 today!  It is so hard to believe my little boy is now a preteen!  He has grow up so much this past year and I have noticed that he isn't willing to come into my room in the morning for cuddle time anymore.  That is the one thing I miss more than anything it used to be just us snuggling up for a few minutes before our day started, now he says he is too old for that.  :(  Here are a few snap shots over the past year.

He loves to climb things

loves dogs

enjoys anything with a little speed to it

I swear sometimes he has an empty leg:) as I don't know where he puts all the food he consumes:)

Loves science experiements

Loves being in the water although he honestly prefers the pool to the open ocean if I was being completely honest

Is his Daddy's son

He loves his sister, when they aren't squabbling:)

Loves attending baseball games and is a big Cardinal fan just like his Grandfather and daddy
There is never a time or reason not to eat popcorn!!!!!
Happy Birthday MarioFan you are our joy and happiness!  We love you loads!!!


  1. Oh my, you have two in the double digits club now! Time for hormonal craziness! Happy Birthday MarioFan. He'll still be your little boy for awhile, boys are later to mature, mentally anyway. Noctis is 15 and lately it seems like he is 10 also. He can grow a full beard, is taller than me, and has a voice deeper than his father's, but underneath it all, he is still my little boy. Daughters at age 15.... well, that's a whole 'nother ball game. BTW, if you think he eats a lot, wait until he's 15. I don't remember Primo going through this, but Noctis keeps packing food away like there's no tomorrow. He isn't getting heavy though, he just keeps getting taller and leaner (5' 11"-ish now).

  2. Happy Birthday to MarioFan! What a great post with fun pictures Anna-Marie! It's been fun "watching" him grow up in blog land! I didn't realize (or maybe I just forgot) that your son and one of my daughters are so close in age. Our #3 will be 10 on June 10, golden birthday :) I hope he has a wonderful day celebrating!
