
Monday 12 May 2014

Spanish lessons

We have been seeing a tutor to help us with our Spanish lessons this year since I didn't feel like we were making any progress with me teaching a foreign language.  I just don't have the knack for it and the kids were fast losing interest.  We have had a great time with our tutor and she is wonderful at finding fun ways to learn Spanish.  The kids have done two plays all in Spanish and I have recorded them to show Daddy and my family. The kids made all the costumes and sets for both plays and I wanted to share the hard work they have done.

The most recent play they completed all in spanish was the Goldilocks and the Three bears.  Here you can watch the videos.

The kids made the kitchen scene, table, bowls outside of class time.  The bear puppets were made with our Spanish teacher.

They also made the living room scene and a collapsable baby bear chair.  The Spanish teacher taught them to make an origami chair

Next we made the bedroom scene and little pillows for the bed.  We had so much fun being creative for our set design.

Picture of all our bears on their beds:)

 Earlier in the school year the kids did a play about David and Goliath and the teacher helped the kids create a completely different set of puppets and we used props to make our scenes.  Again it was so creative and fun to do.  The video shows the completed play in spanish.

There is a third video but it won't download properly but the above shows scene one and two of the play:)

We made sheep

A crowd of people



King Soleman

The Lion

As you can see my kids are very dramatic when performing their parts which can take the Spanish teacher and me by surprise sometimes as we are never quite sure what they will ad lib into the play with additional noises and movements...but that is what makes it so much fun to watch.

Right now my kids are working on learning a play entirely in Spanish to perform for my parents when they arrive next week.  The play is Little Red Riding Hood.  Once again we made the puppets and the either made the sets or used ones we already made from the previous plays.  while I don't have a video of the play here are the sets and puppets we are going to be using to recreate Little Red Riding Hood.  I know my parents will be thrilled to see this performance in person:)

Little Red Riding Hood at home with her mother

Meeting the wolf in the forest

Wolf at the grandmothers house

Little Red Riding Hood meeting the wolf dressed up as grandmother

This has been a very fun way to learn Spanish and the kids are retaining the spanish vocabulary so much better this year than in the years when I tried to do it by myself.


  1. I wonder if your Spanish teacher would be willing to commute to Seattle to give us lessons? :-) She sounds great! It's also cool that she comes to your house. Noctis and I are using The Learnables right now and is is working for him, but it is kind of boring IMHO. Still, he is absorbing it, so that is what is important. He's at that age where he wants to get through with his bookwork ASAP to get back to his online gaming and chatting and what not. He doesn't want any extra frills that could add extra time to his bookwork. It's kind of depressing, but I've found it only lasts 8th-10th grade. Once my kids get in 11th grade and can drive again, they suddenly find all sorts of wonderful outside interests. It's just that 8th-10th grade range is when they are too old to find stuff like putting on plays to be interesting, but are independent enough to find their own niche.

  2. You must win a prize for the best homeschooling ever. I love the play in Spanish, the props and sets are adorable. Their grandparents are going to love it. I would love to learn Spanish. I like how the Tudor is teaching them. Just awesome what more can I say. My daughter who is homeschooling arrives hopefully tomorrow. I will show her this one.
    Blessings for this one.
