
Monday 28 April 2014

PE at Sky Zone

This year physical education has definitely taken a back seat in our homeschool.  When we lived in England we participated in horse back riding, swimming and martial arts weekly.  I haven't been as lucky finding classes that are the right fit for my children and their needs.  We were trying to go to the local YMCA but that is proving to be tough to fit into our schedule.  My son has been wanting to try out the trampolines at Sky Zone for ages and when a field trip was planned we went.  It was our first time there and the kids loved it and were thoroughly exhausted after only an hour!

Kids checking their heights and finding out their was no area off limits to them, yay!!

Getting a lay of the facility and finding out the rules which of course are pretty basic, no running, rough play etc...

Then jumping to your heart's content:)

Trying basketball on a trampoline

playing dodgeball

Resting after an exhausting game of dodge ball:)

They look happy and ran off so much steam.

Best part for us the facility had massage chairs and my lovely husband kept feeding it dollar bills for me:)  I so want one of those chairs in my house:)


  1. We had/have one of those here too! It is a different company though. A lot of people got hurt there and sued. I don't know if it is right that people should be suing or not. My son played there and never got hurt, so I don't know if the kids that were hurt there were being too wild or if it is just a crap shoot. Here is a link to an article discussing the company's bankruptcy, I'm not trying to be paranoid. I honestly don't know if the number of injuries is reasonable or not, but I thought I should give you a head's up. I certainly wouldn't have thought kids could get that hurt when we went there a lot (my son feels he is too old to go now).

  2. We have been thinking a lot about going to a place like this one, but it costs $15 per person in our area, and I am afraid we couldn't do that more than once.

  3. Oh, I loved this activity. The massage chair would be my favorite for sure. I have so miss reading your adventures; but I am back.
    Blessings and hugs!
